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Maddie's P.O.V-

*7 weeks later*

I sit on by my kitchen table alone. I wipe my tears away again and again but they kept coming. Why couldn't I stop, it had been nearly 3 months.

I finally get out of my chair and shower. I wash my face and hair. I needed to look presentable. I get out and change. I dry my hair and a tear slips out but I change the subject so I didn't think of him. I put on a simple outfit and leave my house.

All I see are people with cameras. I got a lot of people taking pictures sometimes but that's what you get when you're dating Zayn Malik. I hated it because I knew Luke would see them and he probably thought I'd moved on.

I get to my car and drive to the place I was meeting Zayn. He told me it was a surprise but he sent me directions. I was really happy he was taking things slow, he was sweet like that I just wish things hadn't got this far. We were better as friends but I was too afraid to tell him. I pull into the place I was meeting Zayn and park the car. It was a music studio and I spot Zayn by the door.

"Maddie! I'm glad you came" He smiles and hugs me.

"I'm excited to see what you wanted to show me" He takes me over to a chair and I smile. He begins to play a song and he smiles proudly.

'You and I

We don't want to be like them

"We can make it till the end

Nothing can come between you and I

Not even the Gods above

can separate the two of us

No nothing can come between

you and I

Oh, you and I'

I smile at the lyrics. So thoughtful and he really liked me. Zayn treated me so well, I should be grateful to have such an amazing boyfriend.


"I really like it, it's so gentle and sweet"

"I know you don't like my band's style of music but thank you for trying to make me feel better"

"I really liked it actually" I wink and so does he.

"I really like you" He presses his lips to mine and smiles. I close my eyes and try to smile.

"Oh he's already got someone here to hear his new song then" Harry says and I pull off.

"Yep. Hey Maddddd" Niall says giving me a hug.

"Hi Niall" He smiles at me.

"On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the song?" He says raising his eyebrows.

"It's amazing. See what I did there. 9.5 because nothing is perfect" I says winking.

"She's so cute, I'm glad she's mine" He says wrapping his arms around me.

"You're so cute" I smile.

"Why do you think I wrote this song about you?" He winks again and I look at him in shock. He wrote it about me. An actual song?!

"You did?"

"Of course, you mean a lot to me" He smiles and kisses the top of my head as the rest of the band 'awwsss'. We sit around for a while as they record and just talk. It was fun to just sit back and relax with them, it took a lot of things off my mind.

"Home time?" I say and they all nod.

"Yepppppp. Done for today" Niall smiles and puts his arm on my shoulder.

"My house? We can order in food?" I ask and they nod. I couldn't think of anything worse than going home alone and eating with myself again.

We drive down to my house where the fans had cleared off. We all get in and they quickly decide what we were going to eat. I sit in between Zayn and Liam as we begin to eat. It was fun spending time with them all. You date one and you get the rest as brothers which was awesome.

Awhile later, they all go home including Zayn leaving me alone. I quickly check Luke's twitter and see a picture of him hugging a girl. My heart begins to race and I open the photo.

'@Luke5sos: I love meeting fans, I lub you allllll :-)'

I smile and click my DMs. 3 Michael, 46 Luke and 1 from Anna I read all their DMs but I just couldn't let myself respond. I decide to switch off my laptop and just watch a sad film to cry at something different for a change.


Maduke or Zadi? 😏
Comment who you ship😆

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