A Hemmings date

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Luke's P.O.V-

I wake up at 6 o'clock in the evening as my jet lag hasn't shaken off yet. I roll out of bed and get into the shower, washing away my sleep.

I get out and see I have one missed call from Maddie and immediately ring her back.

"Mads! Hey" I say and jump on my bed.

"Did you just get up?"

"No" I say trying not to look lazy.

"I did. How did you get up that early?"

"I don't know. How are you?" I say biting my lip.

"I'm okay, bored as usual. You?"

"Bored also. Hey, why don't we go out tonight?"

"As in a date?" I could hear her excitement through the phone.

"Of course! Why wouldn't it be a date?"

"I can't wait"

"Me either, meet you in an hour or so?"

"I'll see you there" She says and puts the phone down. I smile and bite my lip just as my mum walks in with Jack.

"Hey mum, hi Jack"

"Luke, put some shorts on" My brother says and I run over to my cupboard and change.

"I'm done" I say and he sighs.

"Thinking about Maddie?" He jokes and my mum hits his arm.

"Shut up" I laugh while shaking my head.

"So, what are you doing tonight?'

"Going on my first date with Maddie now she's back" I smirk and my mum laughs.

"Take her on a Hemmings date"

"A what?"

"Every Hemmings takes their girlfriend on a Hemmings date as their first"

"Yeah but what is it?"

"Well Luke, you go to a restaurant first, then to a movie and then home. You serenade her as you walk home and take her to your room" Jack replies excitedly.

"Dude its the first date" I say and he laughs.

"Not that kind of bedroom stuff. Just talk and shit"

"Okay. Deal"

"Me, Ben and dad did it so now you need to follow the tradition" He winks and they both leave.

I dry my hair quickly and gel it up into the usual quiff I had. I then get changed into some ripped skinny jeans and a 'Good Charlotte' Shirt making my black converse with it. I then apply my black lip ring and I was done.

"Here I go!" I shout while locking the front door. I walk over to the place where we said we'd meet and I wait for her.

I look up from my phone when I see Maddie wearing black skin tight jeans with a red top. I bite my lip and wink as she walks closer.

"Mr Hemmings, someone is looking rather hot tonight"

"That someone must be you, shitttt" I say looking her up and down while biting down on my bottom lip. I take her hand and we walk into town together. I take her to my favourite place to eat and she giggles.

"What?" I laugh.

"I love this diner. I came here as a kid when my mum didn- wanted to treat me"

"That's sweet" I open the door and she kisses my cheek. We walk over to a table and a waitress runs over.

"MADDIE? How are you? Are you living with them again?"

"Yeah, sadly. Can, uh, we talk?"

"Yes! I'd love to" She says. I look at Maddie confused.

"I'm sorry Luke, I'll be back in 5"

"It's alright" She kisses my lips and runs after the waitress. Soon enough she comes back and gives me a hug.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left" She says and I kiss her cheek.

'It's okay, don't worry. You haven't seen her in ages" She smiles and we order our food. We leave the restaurant and I skip the movie as it was quite late so we just go to my house.

"Heyyyyy mum! I'm home" I say and I hear nothing.

"Is anyone home?" She asks.

"They should be..." I lock my door and see a note from my mum.

Dear luke,
We all went out for food to give you two some space, have fun!

P.s- not that kind of fun, don't think about that king sized bed of yours!!!

I blush at the note and I take Maddie into the living room.

"My family are out so it's me and you tonight mads" I kiss her and she trips, falling on my sofa.

"Now I want to cry" She hides her face and I laugh.

"I thought it was cute"

"Only you would" She slaps me jokingly and I laugh.

I turn on the TV and get some blankets. She cuddles up to me and I feel butterflies erupt in my stomach. Soon enough, Maddie falls asleep and so I take her to my room. I tuck her into the bed and begin to walk out.


"Oh hey, I thought you were asleep"

"You don't have to go, you can stay in the bed I'll leave"

"No, it's okay, goodnight"

"Or we could share?" She smiles. I smirk and turn my light off. I get into the bed and luckily it was king sized so we weren't squashed together. I loved spending time with Maddie, I couldn't wait to spend more time together.


I'm currently close to tears right now so I thought I'd update. 3 reasons:


2. My favourite fan fiction got deleted and I cried. Yes, I cried.

3. I finished my letter to 5sos and realised I'm never going to meet them

Anyway, enjoy☺️

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