Chapter Seven - I want to fucking scream

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Martha and I are walking through the exit. In the hallway Miss Montgomery already waits with a big frown on her face.

"There you are! I thought you were going to bail on me.", she says.

"I'd never do that.", I say sarcastically.

"Martha would you please leave us alone?"

"Actually I wanted to support Toni a little bit.", Martha answers.

"Does this situation involve you somehow?"

"Well, not really. But I think, It'd be good if I stay."
"Because she can't speak for herself?"

"No, that's not what I mean. I mean mental support."

"I'm sorry Martha, but it's really something I should discuss with Toni alone."

"Okay.", Martha says sadly. "I'll wait for you around the corner, Toni. Okay?", she asks.

I nod and smile thankfully. At least she tried to help me. There are not much people who would do that for me. Actually there's just her. I think that calmed me down. For now, at least.

"Okay, Miss Shalifoe..."

"Yeah.", I say, still calmed.

"So, you're telling me you were late because you bumped into somebody, right?", Miss Montgomery asks me.

"Yes.", I say confident.

"Okay then. Because of your history of being late I'd like to know who that was, so I can get a confirmation."

"So who was it?"

"Well I don't know her name."

"So no confirmation. Nobody can tell that you were late because of that."

"I guess.", I say quiet.

"You know what happens now. Detention."
"But Miss Montgomery I'm telling you that's not a story. I can't get detention. I have practice."

I start getting angrier and angrier. Who is she to tell me I can't go to my training. Okay, she's my teacher. But detention?? Because of a 15 minute delay. I had a reason to be late.

"Nobody can confirm it, Toni. This is the consequence of your actions the last weeks. Your practice is no excuse."

I clap my hands very angry and loud.

"What the fuck. It's not fair. I did nothing wrong. You can't do this to me.", I shout out of control.

"This is not going to make things better!", she says loudly.

"If your behaviour continuous to be that aggressive and undisciplined I have to talk to the headmaster. And then bye, bye captain Toni Shalifoe."

"What did you just say? You're threatening me?"

"No, I'm just pointing out what happens if you continue."

I really have to hold myself together. I wanna punch that women in the face. I wanna fucking ruin her. But this would be my end. I can't stop playing basketball. That's what keeps me together. So I just push all these feelings down.

"Don't you have something to say?"

"No. Are we finished?", I ask her in the hope she lets me go.

"Well, I guess. I'll see you later at detention.", she says. I can see her being amused by punishing me. I can hear her inner laughter. I hate her. So I just walk away. I'm not saying anything. I go around the corner to find Martha there. She hugs me, very tight. It feels good. A tear runs down my cheek. I don't know why. I'm angry, not sad. Great, even my feelings are getting out of control. We lose the hug and I wiped the tear out of my face. I groan.

"Such a bitch. You could hear everything, right?" I look at her really pissed.

"Mhm. Don't look so angry. I mean it's cute, you tiny angry bean."

"Heeeey, don't call me that. I'm not cute. And also not that small."

Martha laughs.

"Okay, for real. We should really work on your anger management.", she says.

"We already tried that. It's just who I am. That doesn't go away."

"But it doesn't define you. You're so much more than your aggressions."

"Hmm." I don't know what to say. So I just stay there and nod. I don't want to think about it anymore. I know who I am and I'm proud of that. And that aggression is part of me. I guess.

"So detention?", Martha says.

"Yeah.", I say while rolling my eyes. "I'm gonna be late to basketball practice."

"I know, that sucks. But don't be mad now. See it in a positive way."

"How could I possibly see anything positive in that?"

"I mean you could think about what you did wrong or something."
"What?! I didn't do anything wrong."
"Okay, okay. I know. Then see it as a chance for further education. Maybe you'll learn something."
"I don't think so. We've never done anything useful in detention."

"But maybe this time."

"If you say so."

"Good. We gotta go. I have dance practice."

"Oh yeah, Maths. Yikes."

"Come on."

"Already on it.", I say and slowly start walking.

Martha starts pushing me a little bit from behind.

"If we walk so slow, we are arriving in like 100 years."

"That's the whole point. I don't want to. "

"I know, but we are going anyway."
"You are not supportive.", I say and look at her angrily.

She just laughs and makes a kissing mouth.

I just put my tongue out.

"Fine.", I say and start walking faster.

"There you go."

I don't care about all the numbers. I wanna go home. But no, maths, then detention and then practice. This day already feels like a week. We arrive at the classroom. I put my hands in the pockets of my brown jacket.

"Do we really have to go in now?", I ask Martha.

"Yes, we do."

Martha takes my arm und pulls me into the room. It's full of jerks. Why are they so loud? I sit down in the last corner of the room, Martha right next to me. She wouldn't leave me alone. The teacher enters and starts talking about something. I don't listen. I just don't care.

"And I want to fucking scream" – Skinny Atlas, Keagan, nothingisreal

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