Chapter Eleven - You're my lifeboat

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I finally arrive Martha's home. I open the door with the spare key under the foot mat, as if it was my own. I try to be as quiet as possible because I don't want to bother anyone. Slowly I put my backpack down and my headphones out of my ears. I sneak around the corner into the kitchen. I open the fridge and take out a plate. "Spaghetti, yes!", I think. After the lunch today I really needed a meal like that. Misses Blackburn's spaghetti are so lit. I've never eaten better spaghetti. Actually I expected one of Misses Blackburn's delicious native American meals. I love those. Ugh, and I love her Mexican food. Her chili, oh my god. And her Indian food, and her Chinese food. Okay, I gotta stop thinking about all the types of food she cooks so amazingly. How can a women create such good food. As I take another glimpse in the fridge, I notice a pudding. They even saved me desert. I have to smile. I close the fridge, put the spaghetti in the microwave and take a fork.

"Hi, Toni." Misses Blackburn enters the kitchen and takes a glass of water.

"Oh hi Misses Blackburn. This is for me, right?" I point at the plate in the microwave.

"Of course. I made you a little bit extra because I thought you're going to be hungry after practice. And remember, just call me Bernice.", she says and smiles.

"Oh yeah sorry. That wasn't necessary. But thank you, so much. And, yeah I am super hungry." How can be someone so nice?

"Ah that's nothing, Toni. Did you train until now?"

"Yes, I was late to practise because I had detention. The coach said I should train a little longer. I forgot time, so it wasn't just a little longer. It was a lot longer. But it can't be bad. I mean, I have to be fit for the game on the weekend. So it's good to stay focused and train a bit harder than usual."

"Just don't overwork. I don't want you to break down."

"Don't worry Misses Blackburn, um Bernice." I smile. "I can deal with pressure. I can deal with stress."

The microwave finishes as I stop talking and I take out the spaghetti.

"I don't doubt it. Just take care."

I nod.

"Now go and enjoy your dinner.", she says and smiles.

I smile back and sit down. Oh that smell. So good.

"This smells amazing as always.", I say

"I'm glad you like it."

I start to stuff the spaghetti into my mouth. I am so hungry.

"Slow down a little bit.", Misses Blackburn says and laughs.

I can't say anything back because my mouth is so full. So I just try to smile back and nod.

"Martha's upstairs in her room."

I put up my thumb and continue eating. Misses Blackburn goes back in the living room. This is so delicious. I don't know how fast I was, but I'm already finished. I take the plate and put it in the sink. Then I open the fridge, grab the pudding and get two spoons. I grab my backpack and run up the stairs. I walk to Martha's room, knock and immediately open the door.

"You know, if you don't wait after knocking, you don't have to knock at all.", Martha says and laughs.

"Sorry, hahaha." I smile.

Martha lies on her bed and looks at a book.

"Want some pudding?", I ask.

"That's your pudding, you know?"

"Yeah. But I don't mind sharing it with you."

"Okay then. Give me the spoon."
I throw my backpack on the mattress on the floor. That's where I sleep. I love it. It's so cozy. I step over it and sit down next to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2021 ⏰

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