Chapter Eight - I don't belong here

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The lesson is finally over. It felt like an eternity. I actually participated a bit. But just because Martha said I had to. She said she wouldn't explain it to me later, if I don't listen. So I did. Listen. I still don't get it, I just don't understand it. We get up and leave the room.

"I'm going home now, okay?"

"Sure. I'll text you when I'm on my way."

"Should I pick you up. I'm sure I can borrow mom's car."

"Nah you don't have to."
"You sure?"

"Yeah, I like walking"

"Hm, okay. If you change your mind, just call me."

"I will."

"Perfect. Take care. And stay calm."

"I'm trying my best."

"See you later, Toni."
"See ya!"

I shortly watch Martha walking away. Ugh, now I have to go to detention. Fucking shit. I have to hurry, because if I'm late again, I'm literally dead. While walking, I'm putting out my headphones. I plug them into my phone and put my playlist on shuffle. "Nonstop" from Drake comes on. I like that song. On my way, I stop at my locker to get my sports bag, because I don't wanna be any more late to practice later. Then I enter the classroom. A few others are there. I don't say a word. I don't want to talk to them. But that's just because there are only people I don't like. Sometimes, I have a lot of fun during detention. That's just when cool people are here. I look around. Fuck, there is Andrew, Shelby's boyfriend. Really? He's such a dumbass. I walk to the back of the class but the guys are fooling around and block the way.

"Move!", I say out loud.

The guys laugh and Andrew says: "Why so grumpy?"

"Shut the fuck up, you asshole."

"Oh, you wanna start a fight, bitch?"

For a moment I actually think about punching him in the face. But then I remember what Marty said. "Stay calm". So I try to stay calm.

"You're not worth it.", I say, push them aside and sit down in the back of the class. I put the volume of my music up. I don't want to listen to them.

Miss Montgomery enters the room. She says something but I don't hear her because I listen to my music. She looks through the classroom. I guess she's counting if we're all here. Then she puts a sheet of paper on each our tables. Then she stands in front of the class and says something. Suddenly everyone is looking at me. I put my headphones out.
"Thank you for listening, Miss Shalifoe", Miss Montgomery says.

The guys just laugh.

"You're welcome.", I say back with a sarcastic smile on my face.

"Okay, you all know why you're here. So I want you all to write down what you did wrong and how you are going to behave next time. I want at least 500 words at the end."

I raise my hand.
"Yes, please?"

"What if I didn't do anything wrong and my teacher was just wrong?", I ask.

Miss Montgomery coughs and says nothing for a moment. "Stop being disrespectful. That's already one thing you can write down. Write!"

I roll my eyes and put my headphones back in. Then I start to write, that I wasn't wrong but she was. I don't care. I'm not lying. Just writing the truth.

At the end of the lessons I get up and put my sheet of paper on the teachers desk. I smile.

"Have fun reading it.", I say.

She wants to answer me but I already storm out of the classroom into the direction of the gym.

"What the hell am I doing here, I don't belong here" – Radiohead, Creep

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