Chapter 3

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Paul's POV
I went over to the door and looked through the peek hole on the door. What I saw was even worse then the noise.

A/N: You can skip this if you want.

⚠️Graphic explanation of a crime scene⚠️

I saw a guy with a black outfit on carrying , no rather dragging, this beautiful woman with blonde hair that had blood in it and her head was cut off half way. She looked like she was beaten before her head was almost cut off. I also saw him carry an axe in his other hand, that had blood on it as well.

⚠️The explanation ends here⚠️


I ran over to John and started shaking him to try and wake him up.

"Ugh, what is it Paul?" He yawed.

"There is a murder happening in the hallway!" I whispered.

"No way!" He now opened his eyes fully.

I nodded and dragged him to the door. Luckily the blood left behind was still there. He looked at it then he looked at me with widened eyes.

"No wayyy!" He whispered-yelled.


I opened the door quietly, looking around for the guy I saw earlier. He was waiting for the elevator to arrive just down the hall. I switched places with John so he could see the nightmare I saw. He widened his eyes and closed the door quietly.

"Paul! Why did you even open the door then?!" He whispered-yelled.

"I wanted you to believe me!"

He ran to get his phone to try and take photos of this, but when he opened the door the guy wasn't there.

"Shit! Did he leave in the elevator?" He asked.

I looked at the elevator and the trial of blood.

"I think so," I whispered, "but take photos of the blood! He might come back to clean up and that way we can take a photo of him!"

He nodded and took photos of the blood on the carpet. How is he gonna take that out of the carpet without making a lot more noise?

He closed the door quickly. He then put his phone back down at the nightstand.

"We have to wait now," he said sleepily. I yawed.

"Yeah, but I'm so tired!" I wined.

He came up to me and hugged me, I hugged him back.

"Same, Paulie."

I smiled, I developed a crush on John when we moved countries. He was the only person I could talk to and he was there for me in the worst situations like this one. He pulled away and I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"We'll get through this," he yawed.

I smiled, closing my eyes. I tried to concentrate to the hallway if I can hear anything but I couldn't.

"John, I don't think he's coming back," I opened my eyes to look at John.

He took his blanket and pillow and he put it on the floor near the door.

"Come on! We'll sleep here!" He said trying to make it comfortable. I smiled and took mine and put it on John's. We had to put his blanket under us to make it less uncomfortable. I took my blanket and put it on us. Then I smuggled up to John and hugged him. Then I closed my eyes to try and sleep.


I opened my eyes and saw that John was still next to me. Then I realized that we didn't take a photo of the murderer. I went over to the door that was next to our so called 'bed' and opened it. The blood wasn't there anymore, crap!

I looked around for any cameras that could've seen this but none. I sighed, why are there no cameras?!

I heard John smuggle around, I hope he was awake.

"Paul?" He asked sleepily.

I sighed.

"Yeah, I'm here," I crouched down next to him and took his hand into mine.

"Good." He sat up and hugged me, "Did you take a photo of the killer?"

We pulled apart. Then I sighed and shook my head.

"Ugh, we fell asleep,"

"At least we got photos of the blood, right?"

"Yeah, I think so,"

"Think so?" He raised his eye brows.

I stood up and I went over to his phone to look if he actually took a photo of the crime scene. I looked through the photos. No blood in the hallway

"We didn't..."

He stood up and ran over to me and took the phone out of my hands.

"NO, NO, NO, NO, NOOOO!" He started scrolling through the photos quickly.

I even saw him take it! There's no way he didn't actually take it! Unless...

"John, I think he broke into our room,"

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