Chapter 20

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Paul's POV

I was walking through the streets, stressed. What if John is already dead?

I shook my head to try and get the thought out of my head, it didn't work. I took deep breaths as I walked closer and closer to the location. There were barely any people on the street which somewhat calmed my anxiety.

Everything will be fine.

Everything will be fine.

I kept repeating in my head. I couldn't call the police because that might be me into more shit whit the killer. Who even is the killer?

I kept on walking when suddenly I reached a door which said 'Do Not Disturb'. I looked around to see if anyone was around, no one. I reached to the door, my hand shaking as I knocked. Then I took my hand back, shoving it inside my coats pocket. The weather was horrible, dark clouds covered the sky. It will probably rain.

The door in front of me opened, I took a peek inside but saw that the door opened by itself. I took another deep breath and stepped inside. The house was dark and messy. There was this horrible smell in th house that almost made me puke. There were no lights at all. I started walking slowly towards the only door that was open. I kicked something that made me fall over, making a lot of noise. Ouch

I heard noise coming from that room. I look at my feet to see what exactly I fell over, I was just a box full of something. I sighed and got up, making my way to the room quicker now. I gently pushed the door open revealing the man I loved the most, John. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding and walked up to him.

"John, you are okay!"

I kneeled down in front of him and took the tape off if his mouth. I kissed him before he could say anything. It was just a quick and easy kiss since we had NO time to mess around.

"Paul! Listen to me carefully, this man can get back any second. I need you to hide behind the door and come out when he arrives," he started as I untangled the robe that was around his hands, "Put his arms behind his back and I'll deal him him, ok?"

I finished untangling him and nodding holding back tears.

"Be careful." He whispered as we heard the door I came through open.

I quickly hid behind the door and held my breath as the unknown man walked inside. I saw that John put the tape back to make it look like he's not free.

"Your boyfriend is still not here, I'm just gonna have to wait," he walked towards John, who was pretending to try and escape, "although I wanna kill you this instant."

He kneeled down in front of him, in the same way I did. He laughed historically and caressed John's cheek. That made me boiled in anger. I took my chances to walk out of my hiding place and hold him down.

"What the fuck?!"

I held his wrists together as hard as I could as John stood up from his chair and made his way to the weapons this guy held.

"The tables have turned, haven't they?" John rather whispered as he looked through the weapons.

John's personality completely changed, I never knew he had this in him. He is hotter like this.

I blushed as I realized what I thought.

No way!

John picked up a kitchen knife from the table and held it with all his force. He started walked to the man, who seemed to be freaking out.

"No please! I'm sorry!"

John laughed.

"Sorry?!" He yelled, "A sorry can't fix what you did to my Paulie!"

I blushed at his words. He kept walking until he was right in front of the guy. He took the knife and held it towards the guy's chest.

"Who are you?!"

I kept holding his wrists as much as I could. I barely had any force left, I was dizzy by the smell if this house.

"I am...-"

That was the last thing I heard before everything went black. I heard my name being called but I couldn't open my eyes.

So thank for reading this story and there'll be a few more parts before I plan to end the story.

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