Chapter 15

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                                                       Paul's POV

Me and John have been talking for hours about music, the murder mystery we are part of and the others guys.

"He told me that he liked George," John said, telling me about what Ringo told him a couple of days ago.

"George told me he like Ringo!"

We both started laughing.

"Perfect..." he whispered, pulling me into a hug.

I blushed.
And I like you...

I hugged him back, squeezing him tightly.

"Should we get them together?" I asked, hoping he would say 'yes'.

He nodded and I smiled.
This'll be fun...

As we stayed in silence, hugging each other the phone rang. I looked at whose phone it was. It was John's. He pulled away and got out of bed then walked over to the ringing phone.



"Oh! What's wrong?"


"You found him?"


"Oh...ok we'll be there soon."



Then he hung up. I wonder who he was talking to.

"Paul, we gotta go! I'll explain on the way there!"

He grabbed my hand and we put in ours shoes and left.

John's POV

"So the Detective called and said that they have a suspect?" Paul asked while we walked into the police station.


"And now we are here to confirm if it really was the guy?"


He nodded and held my hand tighter. I smiled. We should be able to know if this is the guy or not, it can't be that hard to figure out. We walked into the waiting room where Detective Miller was standing with a couple of other police officers by her side.

"Ahhh John! I'm glad you could make it!" She greeted holding her hand out so I can shake it.

I shook her hand.

"And you must be Paul McCartney, am I right?"

"Yes, detective, you're right." He replied, shaking her hand.

"Wonderful, follow me"

She started walking towards some rooms where the questioned me.

This is gonna be interesting...

We walked into the room where there was a table, three chairs and a pile of photos. Paul pulled on my arm.

"Have a sit,"

Paul and I sat down next to each other and Detective Miller sat on the other side of the table. Me and Paul were still holding hands under the table.

"Is this the guy you saw that night?" She asked, holding up a picture that looked really similar to the guy but I knew it wasn't him.

I shook my head, "No, but he looks really similar to the guy."

"Hmmm, how about you, McCartney?"

Paul took the photo out of her hand and looked at it a bit more. He then shook his head.

"That's not him, but it may be a relative."

The detective's eyes widened. She stood up and gathered all the pictures.

"Thank you, you may leave now," She said rushing out the door.

"Huh? What happened?" I asked.

Paul and me walked out to the hallway. Detective Miller's turned around.

"Oh and thanks for the idea!" She then ran off to somewhere.

Does she know who it is? Or is she questioning the family of that guy?

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