Ch. 14

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Jihyo's P.O.V

"Yes oppa!"
"Uhm... you'll have to take a day off from your school."
"Oh... Why?
"Cuz our father told that he wanted to meet all of us in the City Restaurant."
"Right now??"
"Yeah.. Go get changed."
"Tch... It's 100% true! The life of a gangster/gangster family is really tiring. That's why I hate it!" 
Jimin oppa ignored my words and walked away. But it's a long time since I went to school... I haven't seen my friends i.e. Dahyun, Jin, Jungkook etc. for... for 2 days I guess. Hehe. And today also I've to miss the classes! What an ingrate!

I reached at the restaurant with Jimin oppa and Taehyung, Hoseok and Yoongi too, were present at the restaurant while being absent at the school. My father was waiting for us and ordered some food for us. He said, "Jihyo~ah. You have Jiwoo's number right? Abba wants to see her now. Or at least.. hear her voice.. It's been a long time since I've seen you all..."
"B-But Abba... I don't think she'll come because..."
"Yeah. I know the conflicts between Jiwoo and Jimin. But that's okay. I'm sure that she'll come. " It must be Jimin Oppa who told Abba about the problems. I dialed her number and called her.

Jiwoo's P.O.V

I was extremely happy to live in Jungkook's house but what worries me is that I'm staying with a guy! Even though he's my boyfriend, I haven't yet informed to anyone about my residence... Tch.

We were sitting in his couch in the living room, watching television. He asked me, "Aren't you feeling hungry?" 
"Hmm.. yeah, But it's okay. Well, do you cook?" Actually I was very hungry..
"Uhm.. Nope. I just order food from Shuttle and adjust with it for the whole day." he seems to be unsurprised as he's doing it regularly.
"B-But.. you are very rich right? Then what's the matter?" I had also noticed that there were no maids in his house.
"Uh.. I'm not in a good terms with my father, so, I've supply myself for my needs." He hanged his head downwards.
"Oh... I see. Then it's okay! Today.. I'll cook for you!" I'm pretty interested in cooking but I'm not sure how good I'm at it!
"Really? That's great! Come with me. I'll also help you!" His mood was turned on again.
Ha.. I'm satisfied...

I was stirring the soup in the stove and Jungkook... I think he was chopping the onions. Suddenly, I felt a warm back hug wrapping around my waist. It was Jungkook... My heart was fluttering so badly as I was also startled. It was my first time with a guy and I was so nervous. I felt his lips on my hair. And he slightly turned me, facing me to him. I was startled even more. I didn't knew what to do. He was approaching closer to my face and slowly, his lips were into mine but             

ARRGH! Shit! Why again?!  It was my phone which was ringing drastically. I ran from Jungkook's arms and picked up the call. It was Jihyo.

"H-Hello? Is this Jiwoo??"
"Mmm.. Yes!?"
"Ah.. Your sound has changed a lot.. By the way, do you understand who is talking right now??"
"Uh.. No."  I looked the caller ID again. Yeah. It was 'Jihyo'.
"Jiwoo, It's Abba.."
"Abba?? How come?  I don't have any father! Who the hell are you?" Did Jihyo lost her phone or something??
"Jiwoo! It's me Jihyo. And it's true that our father is still alive! Now he wants to meet you, so come to the City restaurant right now!"
"Restaurant? Are you sure?" I felt something fishy..
"Hmm yeah. Please be fast okay?"

 I nodded and end the call. B-But I still can't believe!! Why should she lie to me by calling with some other person?? Tch. I bid goodbye to Jungkook and rushed out to the City Restaurant.

 I looked around and saw many familiar faces in which, one among them, annoyed me a lot. It was Jimin oppa. I smirked at him irritably. 

As soon as everyone saw me arrive, a man which I think would be the one Jihyo told as 'father' ran towards me and hugged me.  "hey!" I yelled at him as I started to panic. "I'm sorry Jiwoo. In a sudden excitement... I'm sorry but I don't know how I can explain to you that I'm your real father.." I saw deep depression and guilt in his eyes. Soon, Jimin oppa and Jihyo also came and explained everything to me. They had showed me some photos which made me really startled. I-I don't what's happening suddenly around me. And they also told me that they, including Taehyung and Hoseok are gangsters which dropped my jaw for an entire hour!

"I-I.. Wait.. Let me memorize everything for a while..." I paused a little and matched up with the things told by Jungkook and by them. Hmm.. It's true... "So is it true that I'm not an orphan anymore??" Jimin oppa gave me a death glare and said, "Moreover, when were you an orphan?? In your dreams??" He got annoyed again but I believe that all our earlier conflicts were solved... I apologized to him for saying things without thinking. It seems I like I'm also a gangster now! As I belongs to a Gangster family!  Woohoo! Now things are getting even more exciting.

Our father spoke up, "Ahem.. By the way... Under Taehyung's department i.e. the planning department, is looking for a hire. And also in Hoseok's department i.e. the Fighting department. I suggest that you both can be the ones filling the space. What's your opinion, Jiwoo & Jihyo??" He turned to us. I was all hyped up as soon as he said about 'hiring staffs into BLACKSQUAD'. I delightedly utter, "I think I'll go for the fighting department although I've practiced boxing earlier and I like it so much..." I looked at Hoseok with puppy eyes then turned to Abba. He said, "Okay fine Jiwoo. Hoseok will be hiring you soon. Then.. what about you Jihyo??" He turned to Jihyo. She uttered, "Tch. Abba, I'm not pretty interested in these gangsta activities. Literally, I hate it." Oh no! Will she not work for BLACKSQUAD?? I can't work alone as gangsters are USUALLY guys and we got a chance only because we're Abba's daughters!
She continued, "And I-"  I interrupted her no to speak any another word. I continued for her, "And nothing! She'll be joining in the planning commission! Maybe.. today itself!" She gave me a death glare and I smirked at her teasingly. She might be thinking: Jiwoo, your penalize is on the way...

Jihyo's P.O.V

I wonder why I should also take part in these gang activities... Arrggh! I'll kill that Jiwoo one day!!

Finally, I was able to go to my school after a long... short time. But I feel like it was so long.. I wandered through the corridors, strolled with Dahyun, and next was our P.E.T period. Or we can say, our  games period.  I love playing basketball and was playing it with my other classmates, where Jiwoo was chatting with Taehyung. Isn't she having a boyfriend?? Tch!  Meanwhile, I spotted Seokjin coming towards the basketball court with a paper in his hand. He seems to be shivering and sweating. What would be that paper? Is it for me?

"Hey! Hi Jihyo! Long time no see!" He seems to be delighted to see me again.
"Hmm yeah. I had told you right... about my brother?" I asked him. I remembered that I've already told..
"Yeah. You did."
"By the way, why are you here? Don't you have classes?" I looked at my watch. Yeah, the school working hour isn't over yet.
"Uhm... ditching! Hehe." he smiled awkwardly.
"Oh! Really? I didn't knew you would also go like Hoseok and all.." But that's not a big deal though!
"Uh... Actually.. I have something for you.." His hands started shaking as I stared at the pink paper in his hands.
"Uh okay. What is it?" I asked curiously. I can see intense fear in his face...  He closed his eyes tight and stretched the pink paper in front of me. "O-Open it!" he said with trembling voice.
Hmm.. Before opening itself, I understand what it is!

I opened the small note and begin to read it aloud. "Uh.. you can read it for yourself! Why letting others to hear it too." His face was turning beet red in embarrassment. I nodded and read it for myself.

Cannot hide my feeling for you
Romeo's eyes meets mine
Unsure whether what I saw was true
Should I approach you and say 'hello?'
Halt-my shoulder dropped; you're no longer a free girl now

"Daebak! You're not only talented in drawing, but also in poetry! I appreciate it!" I clapped for him proudly. He grinned embarrassingly and said, Did you read the whole thing?!" He seemed to be confused. I looked downwards to the other side of the paper. There was a small note which was folded inside the paper. I read it and it said:

I don't know if you're single, committed, in relationship, or want your life any different way... nor do I expect yourself to feel the same as mine. Today's the most special day ever for me I believe that I'm speaking my heart out. Believe me, it took so much courage for doing this. For u, this maybe a little too early, but I couldn't stop my heart for you. I might appreciate if you keep it only to yourself... as I don't want my feelings to be in the center of laughter. I hope it might not bring disturbance to your life rather glee...

Seokjin :)

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