Ch. 19

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Jiwoo - Hyuna P.O.V

Dahyun's reaction to us was pretty plain. But when it comes to Jungkook or Jin... Argghh!  Only God knows what will happen next!

The next thing we knew was, a sudden bang on our Guest house's door. To be honest, we were directed by Agent Namjoon to stay in this house - which was far away from the civilization - for 2 weeks, in order to hide from the mess revolving around us, as we just didn't caught an ordinary guy!  
We were a bit terrified and decided open the door together as the banging on the door got intense. We slowly peaked through the door hole and found it was Hoseok! I was a bit relieved but still, him too, belongs to that clumsy gang - BLACKSQUAD. 

"What are you both doing here??" Hoseok asked suspiciously.
We ignored his sight and I began to leave out and mind my own business but he suddenly stopped me by saying, "Excuse Me! Agent PARK JIWOO and PARK JIHYO!! I'm talking to you!"
He groaned at us.
"I know the fact that you both are agents and were cheating on your 'own brother' from behind for years! Aren't you ashamed, idiots??" He smirked annoyingly.
"Shame? For what? Mr. Jung Hoseok! We were doing our job which was directed to us! Not cheating!" I roared at him as I couldn't put off my anger.
"And one more thing. We-are-not-Jimin's-Sisters! So why should we feel guilty? Moreover we were not deceiving him!" claimed Jihyo, I mean Hyoyeon.
"Okay fine! I admit it. But I never thought that Namjoon ahjussi will also do something like this! We considered him like our own father as he, had often brought us for dinner along with Jin and his mother! Aish! How strange this world is!" admitted Hoseok.
"I'm sorry for your emotions, but Agent Namjoon is our squad leader and 'he' assigned us the mission of arresting the leader of the mafia gang, BLACKSQUAD. We really didn't wanted to, but 'had to' arrest him. Moreover, there are times where we had a sort of feeling inside us that Jimin was 'actually' our brother. But he's not!" I said desperately.
"I highly suggests you both to be very cautious as Yoongi and Taehyung are currently working on releasing Jimin from the jail for instance. You know right, Yoongi, that guy had got a lot of guts, especially while it comes to his favourite ones! I can never work against you, as I too had sisters.. But long back ago..." he started to rewind his memories. Maybe something from his 'dark past'?
"Oh! You had sisters? I didn't knew it! Well, what happened to them?" asked Hyoyeon curiously.
"They were, however kidnapped by a gang of roughs, and that is one of the reason why I started to be a Mafia and I proudly admit it!" But there was pain inside him while telling those.
"Your both behavior too matches my sisters'! I'll be operating from your side and I'll try my best to save you both from Yoongi and Taehyung! You can trust me, Agent Jiwoo and Jihyo!" he said while chuckling. I really wanted to say that our actual names are Hyuna and Hyoyeon. Not Jiwoo and Jihyo!  But... m-maybe later!  

While we were having some chit-chats in our quarters, Hoseok suddenly got a call and it was none other than... Jungkook!  Shit! How can I handle this!!
Hoseok attended the call and they seemed to have a 'very serious' conversation. I sharpened both of my ears and tried to hear what it was about, but Hoseok was standing in the balcony and the wind prevented me from spying their conversation.  Crap!

At last, he paused his discussion for a moment and turned to us, "Jiwoo, here. It's Jungkook." He said while offering his phone to me. With terrified tongue, I responded to Jungkook,
"Mm yeah. What's the m-matter?" My voice started getting shivery.
"Oh! So it seems that I've to explain everything to you! Okay fine! I'll!" he said mockingly.
"N-No need! I know right."  
"Fine! Then why did you accept my confession even though you are an agent? Okay fine! B-But why didn't you tell me that you are an agent, Jiwoo? Am I not that important to you?" he questioned me.
"Jungkook! You didn't understand me till now! I really-" I paused as I found Hoseok and Hyoyeon secretly listening to my conversation.
"J-Jungkook, can I meet you somewhere?? I-I have something to tell you. I think it should not be t-through the phone." I asked him as I know that without him, Yoongi and Taehyung will surely find me.
He nodded and said, "Alright. Come to XXX. I'll be waiting..."

I turned to Hoseok and Hyoyeon and said, "Ah.. I'll be right back now. Everything will be alright only if I meet Jungkook in person. I hope he will understand me..." I let out a deep sigh.
"Ok wish you luck! But be careful! They're not easy-going! Mind it!" Hoseok warned me. I nodded to him and dragged my handbag and phone and rushed from the house.
"Jiwoo wait! I think it's not safe for you to go alone, at this night!" Hoseok interrupted me.
"It's okay. I'll deal with it. And thank you for your concern!" I smiled and left.  

It had already turned dark and I was walking alone in the dark blue alley. It was a bit scary but why should I? I'm going to see the one who trusts and protects me. So I'll not be afraid...
I tightened the grip on my fists so as to get rid of my fear but thus-far, I heard two-, no four footsteps. I turned back but only found the empty road. I tried to speed up my pace as my heart was pumping nonstop. Something told me that I'm in danger.


Jihyo - Hyoyeon P.O.V

It's already been so late and I was a bit terrified to know the fact that Hyuna wasn't home yet! I wonder where this girl is?! Will she be staying with Jungkook tonight?? Aish. She had got a great nerve! Well, what if not? I called to her phone for the 274th time but still, 'the number you are dialing, is not answering. Please try again later.'   Tch!
Soon after, I got a sudden call which made me jump from the couch where I was sitting. It was Jungkook. Why is he calling me at this time??  I looked at the wall clock and answered the phone.

"Hello Jihyo? Do you know where Jiwoo is? Is she there with you?" he asked out of a sudden which shuddered me.
"Wait.. You are asking me about Jiwoo? I thought she is there with you!" My words began trembling as I sensed something's not right...
"What? You don't know? T-Then... where will she be in the middle of this night?" he groaned desperately.
"Jungkook... I think she's in a danger now! Can we just look out for her?" I asked him miserably.
"Okay fine. Come to XXX. That's where I asked Jiwoo to come up earlier. Anyways make sure that you are safe."
"Yeah. I will. Wait for me there." I just turned off my phone and Jungkook just interrupted me,
"Jihyo! Wait! Before you turn it off, Jin Hyung had told me that he wanted to talk to you."
"Ah... Ok but first let's find Jiwoo! I'll convince him later!" I turned the phone off and rushed to where Jungkook had told me to come.

It was so so dark that I couldn't even see myself. I looked around for Jungkook but didn't see him. I phoned him and asked, "Jungkook! Where are you? I had arrived."

"Ya Jihyo! I'm here!" He yelped from behind. I was relieved for a moment but No! Not yet! I haven't found Hyuna yet!
"Come on! Let's stroll around here. I hope she'll be not so far from here." Jungkook said and I followed him. We went in different directions and to my surprise, a horrifying sight met with my eye. My knees began trembling and I cried out, "J-Jungkook! Come Here!!" 
He suddenly rushed to where I was standing and lit the flash light in his phone and saw an even more disturbing sight which left him speechless.
"N-No... no way! This can't be!" he said nervously.
"Jungkook... I'm so scared. This blood stains... this can't be!" I started to lose my hope.
"B-But Jihyo. Her bag and mobile phone too... is dropped here!" He kneeled down on the shivery road and tiny drops began shedding from his eyes.
"Jihyo... I want to see her now!  J-Jihyo? JIHYO!!??"

"P-A-R-K J-I-H-Y-O!!"  

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