An Unfortunate Event

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I heard the angry scream of my father. I turned to look at him. He had anger in his eyes, staring at me in my blood soaked dress, my brother with a bloody sword, and Wilbur defending me and himself.

He looked at me with worry and opened his arms, and I ran to him and cried. He didn't seem to care that my arm was bleeding into his jacket, he just cared that I was okay.

I cried into his chest as he yelled at my brother, and apologized to Wilbur for having to deal with this on his first night in the kingdom. Wilbur said that it was okay, and that he was glad to see me safe.


The Second in Command of my brother walked out with a sly smile on his face.

I only had time to scream and back away before he stabbed my father, straight through the heart.

My father fell onto my arms, and I collapsed and held his body close to mine, sobbing. I was yelling, screaming. Our mother came and saw the scene.

Me, collapsed on the ground, sobbing and yelling into my father's limp body.

Colin, a look of pride on his face.

Wilbur, a look of fear and worry, looking down at me, then up to my mother. Then a look of anger as he looked to Colin and the Second in Command.

Second in Command, holding a bloody sword, laughing his ass off maniacally.

Everyone else, still in shock. Their king had just died before them.

I went over to my brother, now Queen of the kingdom I loved dearly, and looked down at him.

He now had a look of fear in his eyes, looking up at me.

I was crying, now both of anger and sorrow.

"Colin. You have 10 minutes to pack your shit and get out of this castle."
I was furious. I looked back at the former Second in Command, and told him the same thing. I looked around.

My mother crying, holding her dead husband's body. Wilbur tearing up out of worry for my kingdom. My brother and his Second, giving me looks of fear as they ran to their rooms. Kerry and Kai, crying with my mother staring at their dead adoptive father's body.

I soaked it all in. What had happened.

My father was dead. I was queen. I had kicked my brother and closest soldier out of the castle.

I looked at myself. My hair was no longer in a bun, now a messy braid. My dress was blood soaked and torn. My arm was still bleeding. The pain hit me, and I grimaced as I held the wound. I saw the room go dark, heard yelling, then went unconscious.

Wilbur POV

Y/n fell to the ground, just like her father did. I yelled out in worry and surprise, then ran to her. I checked her pulse. Still there. I then remembered her brother attacking her. I checked the wound. It was still bleeding. I yelled for the twins to teleport us to the infirmary. They ran over and teleported us to outside of it, then teleported again, Y/n onto the bed, and me to the cabinets. I realized it was just us three to help her. I yelled for a wet cloth, healing potions, and bandages.
The twins ran and got the stuff I yelled for, and gave it to me. I sat next to my fiancé, and held her arm. I first put healing potions on it, which stopped it from bleeding, and healed it for the most part. I took the wet cloth and cleaned the blood from her arm. I pulled up her sleeve and wrapped the bandages around her arm, not too loose, not too tight. I tied off the end and thanked the twins for the help.

"Of course, Prince Wilbur," they responded.

"Just Wilbur will do."

"Alright Wilbur, we will be heading to bed now, as should you," Kerry said.

"I'll be just a minute."

"Alright, good night," said Kai.

They teleported out, and I looked back at the female laying before me.

I sang quietly, to her and myself, a sweet song of love. I slowly drifted off to sleep, laying my head next to hers.

Word count of story: 745

Sorry about the shorter chapter, I just figured it'd be better so you can soak in what has happened so far.

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