A New Day

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I woke up to a boy yelling at Wilbur. I opened my eyes, then remembered the night before. I looked down at my arm. It was wrapped in bandages. I looked up and my fiancé getting yelled at by a boy. I giggled a bit, and they both looked over to me. The man walked over to me, and hugged me. The boy just stared at me, in aw and slight fear.

"I'm so glad you're okay," the prince whispered to me, both of us tearing up.
I hugged back, wincing in pain.

Wilbur picked me up bridal style, told his butler to follow us, and carried me to my room.

"I find it obvious that you need rest," he said, the boy and the twins following him into my room.
"Kai, could you get her some more comfortable clothes? I want her to be in comfort as she is resting," he said walking out after setting me on my bed. I watched him walk out, with the other boys, and looked at Kai.

"I guess it wasn't a nightmare," I mumbled.

"I suppose so. You did what you needed to," she said, referring to my brother and his Second.
I looked down at my legs, and saw how ruined this dress was. If it was just the cut, it would have been okay, but it was soaked in blood and tears.
I looked back up and took her hand, and we walked to my closet. She grabbed a nightgown for me, and she handed it to me. She walked out, and I changed slowly, as to not hurt my arm. I finished changing and walked out, and sat at my vanity so she could redo my hair into a simple braid and take off my makeup. I looked at my reflection. My makeup was smudged, my mascara had run down my cheeks with my tears, my lips dry. My hair was a mess, the braid mostly fallen out, my crown was near my bed.

She took off my makeup, wiping it with a damp cloth. She undid what was left of the braid, and rebraided it.

Wilbur walked back in soon after, holding a tray of food.

I was sitting on my bed, and I saw the boy still following him.

"Oh, this is Tommy. He's like the twins to you."

"Ah, he seems quite energetic."

At the moment, Tommy was chasing Kerry around.
I giggled, and Kerry looked at Kai for help, and she just chuckled back to him. I started to eat the food Wilbur had brought me.

— Time Skip —
5 minutes later
I laid back down. At this point, Tommy had stopped chasing Kerry. Kai and Wilbur were talking. I laid on my side, and closed my eyes. I fell asleep.

— Time Skip —
3 hours later
I woke up, and thought I was alone in my room. Then I saw Wilbur at my desk, writing something. I got up and walked over to him, stumbling over a pen that had fallen off of my desk, and cursed under my breath.
He looked over his shoulder to see me, crouched down picking up a pen, and cursing under my breath.

"Why are you up and about?" He asked.

"Came to see what you were doing. Stepped on a pen."
He giggled as I handed the pen to him, and he put it in the jar I had my pens in.
"So, what are you writing?" I asked.

"A letter to a friend in my kingdom."

"That's good, staying in touch."

Tommy walked in, and saw me, having a look of confusion in his eyes.

"Aren't you supposed to be in, like, ballgowns 'n shit?" He asked.

"Tommy. Do not speak to the Queen like that." Wilbur said firmly.
Tommy gave him a look that said 'okay, dad,' then looked back to me. He seemed to not know what happened last night, as he looked at my bandaged arm in confusion.

"What happened to your arm? Did you get into a fight?" He asked, sounding slightly excited at the last bit.

"Yes, I did get into a fight," I said quietly.

Wilbur gave Tommy a 'shut up' look, and went back to writing his letter. I kissed the top of his head, then went back to bed.

Word count of story: 722

Another short chapter. Not feeling motivated at the moment.

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