Eating (short)

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I awoke around dinner, so I put on a day dress, and walked to the kitchen.

I saw Wilbur already there, speaking with Kerry and Tommy.

I walked to the small table the chefs always put my food on, and ate the delicious food.

I then saw Wilbur look over to me, and give his lopsided smile. I smiled back. He walked over to me and planted a kiss in the top of my head.

After I finished eating, we held hands and walked back to my room, our butlers not far behind.

I changed into a nightgown, and walked over to my bed, patting the spot next to me.

Wilbur walked over to me and sat where I had beckoned, and I laid on his chest, a light blush coming over my cheeks. He turned a bright shade of red, but proceeded to gently comb his fingers through my hair, and I slowly fell asleep, smiling in the comfort of his arms.

Word count of story:163
I figured a short and sweet filler, because I still have three other stories to work on, along with getting back to one shots, but I hope I get to update this more, as I have some plans I made with my friend and my significant other for this story, so it should be good.

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