Training and Truths

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When i got back home my dad was still at work 'thank god' i thought. I didn't feel like answering any questions or even talking about the meeting. I left a note on the counter to make sure my dad knew where i was if he came home.

Hey dad, if you're home and can't find me don't worry. I had a kind of stressful day so you know where I'll be, maybe we can talk about it if you're not too tired after work. In case you go to sleep goodnight, love you.

I just went down to the basement to take out my anger and stress on my real training. I did some basic training, target practice with guns, knives and even a bow for fun. Some fighting drills with a dummy and a punching bag and i cleaned some of my guns which always calms me down.

After about two hours i finally went back upstairs and into the living room where my dad was sitting down. I went to grab a water bottle from the fridge "hey dad, how was work?" i asked while sitting next to him on the couch.

"Hey, work was fine but I'm more wondering about you. I read your note is everything okay?" He asked as i was opening my water. I was gonna talk to him about what happened but i decided against it, my dad looked really tired because of work.

"It's nothing don't worry, i guess the last day of school just has me a little stressed out" "oh why?" "Well I'm gonna have a lot of time now so I'm gonna be able to go on more hunts and i guess the thought of having to lie to my friends more is stressful. But hey its nothing i can't handle, don't worry about me, you should get some sleep"

"Alright but you shouldn't worry about that right now, i know it's gonna be hard to lie more than you already have but you know it's for your own good" "yeah i know dad" i smiled and nodded "alright goodnight kid" "g'night dad"

I woke up the next morning and groaned, remembering what i had to do. I was gonna do some real training before leaving but i didn't feel like getting yelled at by Derek for being late again. I just drank a cup of coffee, took my Adderall, told my dad i had another pack meet and left.

(By the way Scott and Allison are still together and there's no Kira)

When i get to the loft the girls are already there but only Aiden, Scott and Derek are with them "where's everyone else?" "Well i thought that it would be best if each of you had a personal trainer instead of the whole pack crowding us. Aiden with Lydia, Scott with Allison and-" "great so they both get to train with their boyfriends and I'm stuck with the guy who hates me the most"

Oh for God's sake like it wasn't going to be hard enough hiding my skills while training, now i gotta hide them from Derek while still trying to hide my feelings in fear of getting, well murdered. I can barely think straight when I'm around him and now i have to be more focused than ever.

"Come on bro, would you rather have Isaac train you" i roll my eyes at Scott and sigh in defeat "fine whatever" each duo leave to a different room already set up for training. "so, where do we start Sourwolf" he rolls his eyes at the nickname.

"We can start with getting you a change of clothes, you don't really expect to work out with a hoodie on do you?" "What's wrong with my hoodie?" "We're training, you're gonna sweat like crazy in that thing" "I'm not changing Derek"

He looks at me at the use of his actual name and eventually sighs in defeat, knowing I'm way too stubborn to even try changing my mind "fine then we can do the non workout training today" "what the hell is non workout training?" He just smiled and pulled out a chair for me.

5 minutes later

"You can't be serious" "deadly" "how the hell am i supposed to get out of duct tape and handcuffs" i move around uncomfortably in the chair "figure it out" i know for a fact that i could easily get out of this but i can't let Derek know that. There was a very easy was to just use the cuffs to cut the tape and then i would have to dislocate my thumb and pull it out of the cuff.
(yes the thumb thing was from Arrow we don't tale about it shh)

I just decide not to do anything at all instead "you're not seriously just gonna sit there" i sigh in defeat as i realize that's my only option "i guess that's exactly what I'm going to do" "i'm not untying you anytime soon" "i'm not moving anytime soon so good luck with that"

We spent a few hours in silence except for a few short conversations. i looked over to Derek and he cringed "seriously?" "What?" He looked back at me "let's just say Lydia and Aiden aren't doing much training, unless they're building muscle on their lips"

I laughed a little "yeah really great job on the teams by the way, neither one is gonna get distracted at all while training" he rolled his eyes at me and got up to tell the other two teams that they could go home.

He came back and sat down in the chair in front of me again "so i have a question for you" "shoot" "why did you choose to be my trainer, i didn't think you wanted to spend any more time with me than you had to"

"You don't seriously think i hate you Stiles" "You don't?" "You're part of the pack and as much as i hate to admit it you've saved my ass more times than i can count" i smiled "well thanks Sourwolf that means a lot"

I look him in the eyes and for the first time i realize how close our chairs really are. For a second we don't say anything we just look at each other but then he clears his throat "you know i think that's enough for the day i should probably untie you"

For the next month or so we trained almost everyday unless i went out on a hunt and gave them an excuse as to where i was going. The training was always the same, Derek would tie me to a chair or something else and tell me to escape.

Sometimes we would do a couple other drills before but that's how we would always end. In the last month we got a lot closer, talking more and i realized that he had become a lot nicer to me. He smiles a lot more when I'm around and even makes jokes.

I'm sure that the pack has noticed his change in behavior towards me but they never said anything, neither did we. Today while i was tied to a chair i decided to finally ask him about it.

"Derek?" "Yeah?" "Now don't get me wrong I'm not complaining but i have to know, why have you been so, i don't know, nice to me the past few weeks" "what are you talking about?" He said, i was a little suspicious because he was hiding his face a little.

"Derek seriously look at me" he looked up and met my eyes, i was gonna ask him again but i couldn't get the words out. I was just completely lost in his eyes, i was gonna look away to not make him uncomfortable but he was looking just as intensely into mine.

He looked down at my lips for a second then back to my eyes. He muttered something under his breath "screw it" he got up and pulled my face to his, connecting our lips. I was surprised at first but immediately melted into the kiss, my only thought being...


stronger than you think // Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now