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please don't be mad at the title! ik they just got together last chapter but just trust me on this, i promise you won't regret it!!

the last two months had been some of the best yet worst of Stiles' life, his relationship with Derek had been absolutely amazing. they spent every night in the same bed talking for hours about nothing and everything which just made Stiles fall more and more in love with the alpha. the problem though was that Stiles found himself wanting to talk about his past every night with Derek but stopped himself each time, he hated keeping these secrets but he also didn't know if he was ready to talk about everything yet.

nobody suspected anything was going on between the two so far, except of course Lydia because nothing can get passed her but she promised not to say anything about it until they were ready. only after threatening Derek to never hurt him or he would feel the force of an enraged banshee. they were both completely head over heels for each other, there was only one thing that the wolf couldn't get past but he really didn't want to bring it up because he didn't want his mate to be insecure about it.

it wasn't until this morning that he had enough and finally spoke up about it, as they were laying in bed in the morning about an hour before school starts since both of them had woken up way too early and didn't want to go back to sleep. Derek's phone had gone off and he checked it with a noise of annoyance as he read it "what's going on sourwolf?" he rolled his eyes before replying and putting his phone down "it's Peter, he wants to talk about something and i'm really not in the mood to deal with him" he said as he put his arm back around his mate and stroked his arm with the pad of his thumb.

Stiles smirked at him before kissing him "i know what will make you feel better" he said seductively before going to mouth at the alpha's neck, Derek should be happy about this but in reality he isn't because he knows there's something going on. "Sti stop" he said out of breath, getting the younger boys attention as he sat up with a pout "what's wrong? i just want to make you feel better" he said with an innocent smile that he knows normally gets him what he wants from his boyfriend but not this time.

Derek sighed before continuing "i know baby but just being here with you makes me feel better, you don't have to do anything else" Stiles looked at him confused and with an adorable little head tilt "i know i don't have to but i want to, you're stressed out and annoyed so i know that i should be doing something about it. i know my role as your boyfriend is to provide a distraction and i'm ready to do that whenever i'm needed so you don't go somewhere else for it" Derek looked at him wide eyed and completely surprised.

"your role? get it somewhere else? Stiles what the hell are you talking about? i don't expect you to do any of that, is that why you're always so pushy about doing something together? because you think i'll cheat on you if you don't?" Stiles genuinely didn't understand why he was so confused about all of this, he understood what he was supposed to do as a boyfriend and he was fine with it "well no it wouldn't be cheating exactly, you would just get what you need from someone else but you would still have me for everything else"

"what? Stiles i would never do something like that to you" before he could continue though his mate cut him off with a small shake of his head "no, no, don't worry i know i don't have a right to be mad or stop you. i know it would be my fault for not satisfying your needs, since we can't sleep together fully until i'm eighteen and even if it hurts, as long as you're happy that's all that matters in a relationship, right?" he sat up and cupped his younger boyfriends face in his hands "baby listen to me, i would never in a million years do that to you. you are all i need and that is not at all how a relationship is meant to be, how come you never told me this was going on in your head and that was why you're always so persistent with this stuff. i would've told you immediately how insane that is, i don't expect you to do anything you don't want to do and i would never go somewhere else for it. who even gave you that idea?"

stronger than you think // Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now