Derek Hale, Asshole Or Dumbass?

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A/N: Hey babes, so i wrote the rest of the story in Stiles' POV or with Stiles' thoughts so i thought it was time we figured out what Derek was thinking and why he acted the way he did.

The question on everyones minds this whole time has been, in the last few months has Derek Hale been a dumbass or an asshole with the way he acted towards Stiles? If you asked Stiles he would probably answer with the latter and honestly so would anyone else who knew what happened, but in reality he was just a fool who never knew what it was like to be loved and definitely didn't think he deserved to be.

Months ago the pack had fought another bigger, stronger pack with nothing but Alphas and most barely survived, others didn't and will forever be missed. Derek will never forgive himself for those they lost at his hand, but he couldn't begin to think of the consequences that would of ensued if Jennifers hold on him hadn't been broken.

The rest of the pack knew why she killed the specific groups of people but never thought to ask why she killed virgins, Derek knew though. She had used the power of the virgin sacrifices to emulate aspects of a certain virgin that Derek would never admit to have grown fond of over the years and mirror some of the moments where he and Stiles had shared a true bond of trust which made him think he loved her.

While Derek was in a vulnerable state after having fought the alpha pack and still being in a rough place after the deaths of his betas, she decided to take advantage and get him to sleep with her to solidify her magical hold on him. He never would have been able to break free alone but for some reason, the second Stiles came into the loft and begged Derek to help him, to believe him, something changed.

The look in Stiles' eyes, the desperation in his voice to find his dad and the full trust he had in Derek in that moment to make the right decision jumpstarted something in the alpha. The connection they shared was like no other Derek had ever felt, it was strong enough to bring him back to his senses and he helped the pack find their missing parents. He was there when they reunited and he looked at Stiles to catch a glimpse of his happy smile that he would never admit to loving.

When he glanced his way though, he realized that the younger boy was running towards him. He was confused and slightly worried about what was about to happen but he certainly never expected to be engulfed in the biggest hug of his life. Stiles had jumped into his arms the second he got close enough and wrapped his arms around him so tight that he was literally holding on to his own elbows (cries in Larry, iykyk).

Everyone else who was there immediately feared for their friends life because none of them (with the exception of Isaac after a bad nightmare or two) had ever gotten a hug from their alpha. Apparently it was a day full of surprises for everyone though because the second he felt the shorter man in his arms he caught him so he wouldn't fall and after a moments hesitation due to confusion he hugged him back, just as tight if not more.

That was the moment he realized that he had grown more than fond of Stiles, he had started to develop feelings for him as well. He felt their connection the second he broke free from the spell and it was only confirmed when Deaton told him he had to be the one to bring Stiles back from the ice bath. This was different though, he had never felt like this before. Holding him in his arms he realized that he never wanted Stiles to be anywhere else, he wanted him to always be safe and wrapped in his arms, out of harms way.

He hadn't remembered what it was like to feel safe and warm, to feel like he was home until now. Little did he know that while the younger of the two pulled away, he had been thinking the same thing. Stiles pulled away slowly and made sure to lean his head a little forward so that his mouth was next to Derek's ear and whisper a small "thank you" to him. They both felt disappointed when they released eachother but decided not to say anything.

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