New Creatures And Confusion

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It took me less than a week to fully recover which was annoying but it gave me time to really think about the whole Derek situation. By the end i decided not to let it affect me, if he thought it was a mistake then i couldn't change his mind so why let it hurt me.

Now don't get me wrong, i'm not over him i honestly have no idea how long it's gonna take me to actually get over him completely. I mean hell i was basically in love with Lydia since the third grade all the way until i got stuck in a pool with a certain sourwolf for a couple hours and developed a crush on said wolf. The point is that i've accepted that i'm not gonna be with him, i just hope that we can still be friends.

We became a lot closer during our training and for once i actually felt like he was my friend, it was nice to be able to talk to him so i really hope that's not over so soon just because of one stupid kiss. I was pulled out of my thoughts when my phone rang "hello?"

I answered without even looking at the caller ID so i didn't know who it was "hey Stiles are you back yet?" i smiled "yeah i just got back Scott, why?" he sighed in relief "good, pack meeting at Derek's loft like right now, it's important" my smile fell a little "okay, be there in like 10" "alright man see you"

With that he hung up and i took a deep breath 'alright moment of truth' i thought before getting up and getting dressed. About 15 minutes later i get to the loft and walk in, the second i walk through the door i'm basically tackled into a hug by Lydia, i catch her and make sure she doesn't fall "well i missed you too Lyds" we both laugh as i let her down

Me and Lydia have become best friends in the last few months, she's actually the only one who knows that i'm bi. Ever since our friendship was no longer just me being in love with her and her ignoring my very existence, we got extremely close i even told her that i liked Derek. I felt safe with her because i knew that she wouldn't judge me, that's why i only told her and not Scott. Scott has always been like a brother to me and i know he won't judge me but i'm still too scared to tell him because i don't wanna take the chance, i can't lose him.

When i let go of her i looked up and saw that Derek was glaring at me a little, i ignored him and went to the couch to sit next to Scott "hey man, missed you this last week" he said while side hugging me, i hugged back "yeah, me too it was a rough few days. Turns out my old friend?" he nodded for me to continue "complete jackass, a lot like my current friends" i said jokingly

Scott put his hand on his chest and gasped, faking offense while i heard a chorus of 'heys' and 'whats' from the rest of the pack i even got hit in the arm by Allison who was sitting on the other side of Scott. The only person who didn't say anything was Derek, he just kind of stood there silently. After we all stopped laughing i got serious "okay on a serious note though, what's with the meeting and the cryptic text" 'that almost got me killed' i finished in my head.

Everyone turned to Allison and let her explain "so my dad told me about something that's been slowly inching it's way to Beacon Hills, he doesn't know exactly what it is but he knows it's not human and it's on it's way here. We don't know how long before it gets here or even if we're it's final destination but it looks that way"

I tried to hide the fact that i was worried "why is it such a big deal if it's only one thing, we've beat worse we'll beat this thing too" they all had worried looks on their faces "what?" Allison sighed before continuing "my dad doesn't think it's one thing, it's almost like a pack" i nodded trying to think

"so what makes your dad think that it's not human or that it's even coming here?" i asked, trying to figure out what we were dealing with "well we know it's not human because it drains most of it's victims blood and others it takes, we're guessing it turns them. And we think, actually we know it's coming here because-" she was suddenly interrupted by a low voice

"because they leave my families symbol at each of their attacks" i look over at Derek when he speaks for the first time since i got here "okay, well i can do some research try to figure out what this thing is and i can keep track of it so that we know when they get closer" half of that was true, i already knew we were dealing with a vamps nest but i couldn't say that yet.

God i hate vampires, i literally just got back from a vamp hunt and now i gotta research on more of them, maybe i can track them down before they get here and kill them. It's gonna make things a lot easier since i can't hunt in town and i'd rather not have them get here and have the chance to hurt any of my friends. I won't let vampires hurt anyone else i care about

"STILES!" i was finally pulled out of my thoughts when basically the entire pack yelled my name, i looked up and calmed down a little "what?" i asked confused "we've been trying to talk to you for 20 minutes" Lydia said, her tone laced with concern "yeah dude and you reek of anger and a little sadness" Scott joined in and all the werewolves nodded "right sorry i zoned out and thought of an old memory that made me angry, i guess i got lost in my own head"

I let out a small smile and Lydia, who at some point in the last 20 minutes ended up next to me, grabbed my knee and rubbed it a little "are you sure you're okay?" she whispered even though most of the pack could hear her "yeah i'm fine, i just forgot to take my Adderall this morning since i was on the road, on my way back" she nodded and went back to sit down with Aiden

I wasn't really listening for the rest of the meeting since they stopped talking about the vamps and i was focused on them, i started thinking of a way to track them and make sure i kill them in time. When the meeting was over i was basically the first one out of the door, i needed to start research right away and it also helped that i didn't have to stay and see Derek glare at me some more.

'He does realize that he kissed me right? What the hell does he have to be mad about, i was literally tied to a chair when he did it so i can't really be blamed for this' i thought as i rolled my eyes and started the car.

stronger than you think // Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now