Not Noah :(

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Stiles was planning on telling his dad about the two of them when they hit the six month mark, his eighteenth birthday being only a day away, what he was not planning on however was his dad walking in on them making out in his bed "STILES!" they jumped apart at the sound "downstairs. now." the sheriff said before walking out of the room.

Stiles looked at his boyfriend scared for a second before remembering who his dad was and calming down at the knowledge that he would accept them after an explanation, instead he glared at the alpha "you couldn't have told me he was coming up here" he looked offended for a second before replying "i was a little too busy to hear him" he rolled his eyes and walked downstairs with the wolf in tow.

"dad i can explain-" he stopped when he felt a sting in his cheek, looking up shocked when he realised his dad had just slapped him "yes, please do explain why the fuck you were in bed with another guy" Derek was about to step in between them when Stiles stopped him with a hand on his arm "don't Der, i got this" 

"Der? oh you have got to be kidding me, not only are you guys fucking, you're dating him? no son of mine will be gay Stiles" to the confusion of both men in the room Stiles didn't reply, he didn't even look hurt at the statement "i understand how you must be feeling dad, sit down and i'll grab you a beer so we can talk about this"

Derek felt uneasy at how calm his mate was being but didn't hesitate to follow his lead and stand protectively by his side as he reached for the fridge door and pulled out a beer, opening it and handing it to the sheriff "you know dad, i was so scared to tell you at first but i realised a while ago that there was nothing to be afraid of because i know my dad and i know he would never react like this to anything"

Noah glared at him as he took a sip of what he thought was beer, only to start coughing out smoke "which is why i knew that would work you son of a bitch" suddenly the sheriff started laughing as he dropped the bottle "smart kid" Stiles smirked and had a look on his face that Derek had never seen before "i've been killing demons since i could walk, you think a bunch of cheap cologne is gonna stop me from smelling the sulfur on you"

with that said, he knocked his 'dad' out with a single punch "how did you know that wasn't your dad? i can't even smell the sulfur" Derek asked and he shrugged as he bent down to pick the demon up with ease "no matter how mad my dad gets he would never, never lay a hand on me" he put him down on the chair in the living room, knowing that it had a devil's trap sewn into the cushion.

he sprayed him with more holy water to wake him up "what do you want from us?" he asked immediately when the demon's eyes opened to show pure black "what? can't a demon have a little fun once in a while?" he rolled his eyes and doused him in holy water again, smiling at the scream he let out "not good enough, who are you" the demon pouted at that "i'm disappointed Stiles, you don't remember me and here i thought we had a connection?" 

"Alakaz?" he asked, furious when the demon just smiled back "i told you i'd come back for daddy dearest when you didn't take my deal" he scoffed at that "i don't deal with demons and you're gonna regret coming back here" he laughed at that "what are you gonna do, kill me? then you'd be killing your dad too and we wouldn't want poor little Stiles to be an orphan would we?" 

Stiles smirked in reply as he pulled out his phone "oh no, i'm not gonna kill you. i'm just gonna make a phone call" Alakaz rolled his eyes at that "what you gonna call the Winchesters? have mommy and daddy clean up your mess?" he didn't answer as his phone began to ring "what can i do for you my little fox?" the demon tensed at the voice on the other end of the line.

"seems like one of your demons decided to come after me after you told them not to" he replied and the call was hung up at that, before the door was slammed open by a short but clearly powerful man "you disobeyed direct orders to stay away from Stiles and his family Alakaz, i will deal with you later" with a wave of his hand black smoke came out of Noah's body and went into the floor, straight to hell.

"they never learn their lesson, nobody touches my favourites" the British man spoke with an annoyed expression "until next time little fox" he winked at him "take extra care of him for me Crowley" he smiled "as you wish" and with that he disappeared and Stiles rushed to his dads side as he heard a groan "dad?"

he pulled his son into a hug "i already knew about you two Stiles and i couldn't be happier that you found each other" he let go of the hug and smiled at his dad before looking at his boyfriend and laughing so hard he couldn't breath at the expression on his face "what the hell just happened and who the hell was that? more importantly why did he call you his little fox?" 

he went and hugged the alpha "no need to be jealous Sourwolf, Crowley's an old friend" his dad's head snapped up at the name "you called Crowley?" he shrugged at that "i still don't understand how you managed to get the king of hell to be protective over you" Derek's eyes widened at that "king of hell?" 

"me and Crowley had a few run ins whenever i was with the Winchesters as a kid, he told me i was his favourite and he was always a phone call away" Derek looked at him shocked once more "there is so much i don't know about you, isn't there?" he smiled sadly at that before turning to his dad "you alright pops?" he asked and got a nod in reply "not my first demon possession" 

"i told you to just get the tattoo, the necklace never works" he waved him off as if it was nothing before getting up "i'm gonna go to the station for a couple hours, i think you two should talk alone and i have the night shift that should start in a bit" Stiles smiled thankfully at his dad before taking Derek upstairs and sitting him down on the bed before taking the seat next to him.

"Der my birthday is in a couple of hours and i don't want to take the next step before i tell you everything, i don't wanna tell you later on and have you regret sleeping with me" he took a deep breath "you remember Jesse?" the wolf growled at the name which made his mate smile "i'll take that as a yes, so you remember that he was a part of Leviathan?"

Derek nodded hesitantly and Stiles continued, he explained to him everything. from the moment his parents told him what they really did for a living to the fact that he was the hunter that saved Derek from the vampires. it took so long to explain everything that Stiles didn't even realise the clock hit twelve and he was finally a legal adult.

"i'm sorry i kept it secret for so long but there's a lot about my past that just hurts too much to think about, let alone actually talk about it. i need you to know that i'm nothing like the Argents, minus Chris and Ally, i never hurt innocents. even if they had already hurt others i still tried to recruit them and make sure they never hurt anyone else, i only killed those who refused to stop hurting other people"

he sighed when Derek wouldn't meet his eyes "Der we came here for a fresh start after my mom died, i never expected Scott to get bitten or for us to even interact. i definitely didn't expect to fall in love with you, you have to know that i would never hurt you or the others. everything i have done since i met you was try to protect you, i even got your pack symbol on my back which is gonna be really embarrassing to have if you leave me" he joked to lighten the mood but the alpha could hear the uncertainty and fear in his voice.

when he finally looked up the only thing he could think of saying was "happy birthday" Stiles was confused for a second before he looked at the clock and realised what time it was, he turned to Derek and put a hand on his cheek "you know i love you right? this doesn't change that" the alpha brought his hand up and put it on top of Stiles' on his face, moving his head to face it and kissing his palm "i love you too Stiles" he finally replied.

Stiles tried to mask his relief with a joke by saying, "does this mean i get birthday sex?" but the smile was wiped off his face when Derek pounced on him and kissed him as hard as he could manage, both of them groaning at the force of the kiss. this was going to be a night to remember.

A/N: next chapter will basically be nothing but smut so beware

stronger than you think // Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now