The Talk

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After hours of research i finally gave up on finding a pattern in where they were stopping, they were picking the places at random and i couldn't find the next place they would be, which means i couldn't get ahead of them and i couldn't stop them until they actually got here.

In frustration i picked up the gun that was next to me and pointed it to the target but when i turned i saw my dad standing in front of it "woah Stiles it's me" i quickly put the gun down "geez dad i didn't even hear you come down here, i was gonna shoot the target" i sighed "you're lucky i even bothered looking up before shooting" 

I put the safety on the gun and put it back on my desk "everything okay, if you didn't hear me come down here then you must be distracted with something important" i shook my head slowly and rubbed my eyes in frustration "there's a vamps nest that's on it's way here"

He sat down in the other chair and let me continue "they've been leaving clues telling Derek that they're coming for him and his pack. I was trying to find a way to track them, a pattern, something to help me find them before they get here." he nodded "and?" "and nothing, i found literally nothing, they're choosing the towns they stop in at random and i can't track them"

I sighed "i have to wait for them to get here, now look dad i know you said no hunting in town where someone could recognize me but this is different. I won't let vamps into my town, i won't let them take anything else from me, from us" i looked down but quickly looked back up when i felt my dads hand on my shoulder.

"I get it kid, it's okay but if you're gonna hunt you need to be extra careful here. Wear a mask, a hoodie and use something to cover your scent" i nodded and hugged him "thanks dad, at least we don't have to worry about them for a while, they seem to be pretty far out" that was true, we got a few updates here and there from Allison but they hadn't gotten here yet.

It took some convincing but the pack finally believed me about them being vampires, i told them i did a lot of research and found ways to stop them and i even told them that Deaton helped me in figuring out what they were. They made a couple vampire jokes when i told them the first time but they eventually listened to me and agreed that, that was what we were dealing with.

The next month and a half was spent with a lot of training, Derek kept training me much to my surprise but unsurprisingly he was different from before. He was less talkative like he used to be, he wouldn't deal with my bullshit and made me actually train and try to get out of restraints. I ended up caving and started to get out of the things he tied me up with but at a slow pace like any beginner would.

I also went on a few hunts but not many, i wanted to be sure that i was there if the nest got close plus believable excuses were getting harder and harder to come up with. One day i got to Derek's loft but when i opened the door everyone was standing around staring at something, i walked up to them and saw that the place had been trashed "they're here" Scott said

I looked at him and then looked around "where's Derek?" i was worried that maybe they took him "in his room packing, i told him he could stay with me for a while" Scott answered, i looked at him confused "isn't Isaac using your spare room?" he nodded and was about to say something before he was interrupted "he said i could sleep on his couch for now.

"wait what? No okay, i have a guest room you can stay in. I can call my dad but i'm sure he won't mind" he laughed and rolled his eyes "yeah no i'm not staying with you" i put my fingers on the bridge of my nose in frustration "okay everybody out i need to talk to Derek alone and i swear to god if either of you listen in i will know and i will shoot you with an arrow" 

Both Scott and Aiden put their hand up in defense and left with their girlfriends "Stiles i'm not-" i looked back at him and he stopped talking when he saw the anger in my stare "what the hell is your problem man?" he scoffed "i don't know what you're talking about" i crossed my arms and walked a little closer "well then let me remind you, you kissed me and now for the last 2 months you've been acting like a 5 year old throwing a tantrum. I am not gonna let you sleep on Scott's couch when i have a perfectly good guest room just because you wanna act like a child, even if you've been a complete ass lately. So I'll repeat my question what the hell is your problem"

He looked stunned for a second "i kissed you and you're acting like i accidentally lost your pen" "so what if you kissed me?" he looked angry now "so what? Stiles i kissed you-" i interrupted him "yeah and i kissed you back" i said angrily he was shocked for a second and looked like he was gonna say something but i beat him to it  "Then you pulled away and said that it was a mistake so i left and tried to forget it happened since you clearly wanted to but you wouldn't let me. All you did was act like a jerk every chance you got and ignore me, only talking to me when you needed to. I mean come on Derek literally the second i got back the first thing you did was glare at me like you wanted to murder me even though i never did anything wrong" 

His face softened a little "Stiles-" i interrupted again, not really wanting to hear what he had to say, i didn't need or want to be let down easy with some explanation full of pity so i put my hand up and continued "no don't it's fine i get it, you got lost in the heat of the moment and now you don't know how to act so you go back to being your old brooding self who doesn't show any emotion. Whatever it doesn't matter right now, what matters is that you stay somewhere safe, something that the loft clearly isn't, so you're staying with me and I'm not taking no for an answer" 

The look in my eyes told him that i wouldn't back down and the look in his just confused me, he looked hurt? conflicted? i don't even know but something i did recognize his face was defeat "fine" i nodded "good" i walked around him and looked around a bit "what are you doing?" i didn't bother looking back when i answered

"I'm looking for anything that they may have left, up until now they left messages saying that they were coming for you, I'm thinking that maybe they left a message here for you" he nodded and walked towards me "i did see something carved into one of the pillars" he walked towards it and i followed him, my heart dropped when i saw the symbol they left.

"What?" he must have seen the look in my face "nothing, don't worry about it" the problem was that i did worry about it because i knew that symbol all too well and i knew the nest that it belonged to. I thought i killed them all but i must have missed one, that was a symbol i could never forget...

That was the symbol i researched for hours before my last mission, the symbol that still gives me nightmares, the symbol on most of my targets, that was the symbol that was left at the crime scenes from the nest that killed my mother.

stronger than you think // Stiles StilinskiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin