Not In That Way

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Stiles was the first to wake up in the morning and for a moment he just stayed in bed staring at the wolf he so deeply cared for until he heard a voice in his head "i know you're awake Mischief, come back here so we can talk" he heard Jesse call him, hes guessing it was from his bedroom. he had told his old best friend that he was okay with him using the nickname last night as it reminded him of his mom in all the best ways.

he got up, leaving a peacefully sleeping Derek in the guest room as he went back to his room. the second he opened the door he found a certain smirking cambion on the edge of his bed which made him immediately roll his eyes "what?" Jesse stood up and sniffed him which normally he would find normal but cambions didn't have an enhanced sense of smell so he was confused until the other boy spoke "weird, you don't smell like you just had sex"

he backed up and looked at the half demon with wide eyes "what!? that's because i haven't you dumbass" Jesse just looked unimpressed like he didn't believe him "really because you didn't sleep in here last night and this morning you were in the grumpy wolf's bed" he rolled his eyes at that "first of all. i prefer to call him a sourwolf and second of all, nothing happened between us and nothing ever will"

as he finished his sentence he sat on his bed with an exasperated sigh, a sad look crossing his face "but you wish it would?" in reply Stiles just fell back dramatically onto his bed "it sucks that you know me so well, i just-" he was cut off by Jesse shushing him "he's awake so unless you want him to hear you confess your feelings i suggest you stop talking" he had said in his head, Stiles nodding at him appreciatively.

at the same time this was happening Derek had woken up to an empty bed and sighed to himself, he got up as he heard his mate talking to the young cambion that stumbled into their lives the night before but decided against interrupting them. as much as he didn't want to leave Stiles alone with the other boy, he didn't think it would end well if he stayed there any longer so he got dressed and left the room "Sti i'm going out, i'll see you later" he called from outside the young boys door before going down the stairs and leaving.

Stiles let out a breath when he heard the door close, changing the subject so that he wouldn't have to talk about this much longer "come on, it's been way too long since we sparred together" he said as he got up to open the secret door to his training room, he expected an impressed reaction but when he looked back his friend just looked at him with a slight smile and a roll of his eyes "of course you have a secret passageway you geek" they both laughed as they walked down.

the reaction he was waiting for finally hit though as the room was revealed "woah Mischief, did you do all of this?" he smiled proudly "yep dad and i bought everything we could so that i could have a good training room but the wards and the room itself were all Bobby's doing" he looked at him confused "Bobby singer?" he nodded "yeah, he helped leviathan out with a few safe houses. i thought you knew?" he shook his head in reply "nah man, haven't talked to or seen the Winchesters in years, not since you left"

a weird tension built in the air as those words left his mouth, they didn't say anything for a moment before Stiles sighed and started talking "look Jess i'm so sorry for leaving without a word, it wasn't my choice i swear. my dad was so heartbroken after losing her that he wanted to leave as quick as he could, i missed you everyday since you left and i've always wanted to reach out but it was so hard for me. i knew that if i talked to you all the memories would start flooding back and hearing your voice would just make me miss you all the more, i wish i had just sucked it up and talked to you. i never realized how much i needed you in my life until i saw your ugly ass face yesterday"

they both laughed at the last statement "you didn't seem to think my face was so ugly when you were attached to it" Stiles rolled his eyes "haha very funny, will you ever let me live that kiss down?" he smirked in reply before responding "i'll forget about the kiss if you tell me what's going on between you and Hale" he looked down and sighed, he should've known he couldn't make Jesse forget something like that, the kid was way too stubborn to let it go "there's nothing going on between me and Derek"

stronger than you think // Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now