Chapter 13: Thanks For Nothing {RandomGeekyness}

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Don't read if it triggers anything HAS EXTREMELY SAD THEMES IN IT


FYI: I just wanted to see your reactions to this. ITS NOTHING PERSONAL STAPH WORRYING

Innocence is bliss.

Random looked around as she skipped to her first day of kindergarten, her mom not far behind.

Her purple-brown eyes were happy and cheerful as they normally were.

She bounced into the classroom, her TMNT backpack slung around her shoulders.

Yes, that's what it was...innocence

"Hello, new friends!" She greeted happily to the classroom.

All the students snapped their heads towards her, in a very sinister like manner.

Thinking everyone liked me at the time.

She hardly noticed.

Bouncing over to a girl with a bob cut, she plopped herself in a chair next to her and smiled.

Thinking I had friends.

"Hi!" She said, grinning ear to ear and giving a small wave.

"Get lost." The girl sneered, scooting away from Random.

What an idiot I was.

The purple eyed girl's mouth was in a shape of an "o" and she cocked her head to the side.

"Strange girl..."


I'm sorry to all the people I've disappointed.

Random walked into Mr. Marks room slightly late; the bell had been rung already.

"Have a seat." He snapped.

And for

"Jeeze, first day of fifth grade and I'm already hated on? Oh well."

She made a b-line to a nearby seat and sat down, a smile on her face.

I was a fool to think I had friends. Or anyone in general.


Random gulped, wide eyes and nervous for high school.

She sulked into the building where her hell would begin.

It was in high school I came to my senses.

Making her way to the fifth wing, she put in her locker combination and slowly opened up the old locker.

When I realized, I had no one.

Random quickly shoved some books in and kept a few, dashing like a mad man to science.

Her black hoodie concealed most of her face, which hid the sadness behind her eyes.

People are mean. Plain and simple.

She gulped when she accidentally ran into Trina, a jock two grades above her.

"Hey bitch." She laughed, as Random shrunk back in fear.

In my honest opinion, I was surprised no one saw it earlier.

Random sobbed as she felt her face connect with metal, another locker, she guessed.

My depression.

She felt feet fly into her ribs and fists into her jaw.

I just couldn't take the pain anymore.

"Watch where you're going next time, you whore." The blonde spat, literally, as Random lay against the lockers.

Curling up into a ball, she sobbed.

I bet people reading this are trying to imagine the pain. It's a shame you can't, never being put through it yourself.

Snapping her head up, she pushed her weak body off the ground and bolted into a sprint to the rooftops, pen and paper in hand.

I'm sorry.

Stopping at the edge of the roof, she sunk down to the pavement and wrote a small letter.

I'm so sorry everyone.

Smiling sadly, she curled the note in her hands and looked down the 6 story high school.

She looked up to see birds flying overhead and her smile turned happy.

She have a small salute to the sky and backed away slowly to the edge of the balcony, holding her breath.

It's been fun.

Taking one more step, she felt her ankle twist and fell straight off the roof.

Thanks for nothing, guys.



...I have no words for what I just wrote...






ONE SHOTSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora