Chapter 19: Masks (SubThan)

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Sub always wore a mask. Not a real mask. No, this one was a different kind of mask. Most people couldn't see it through his smile, or his bright green eyes. No, they couldn't unless they said something about "it".

"It" referred to as his eye. His right eye, to be correct. He had been attacked by a large Doberman. It had been patched up at quite a young age and he never took it off.

"What happened?!" They would say. He would smile. It made people forget what they were thinking. It was just that charming of a smile.

One day, he had been walking to his small home. It was cozy. Not too squished, or too uncomfortable. It was good for only two people, though.

He smiled to himself as he turned the corner on Stilwells and saw the little house, sitting on the little street.

He was about to step forward again, but felt a hand get placed on his shoulder. Quickly, he turned around and was face to face with another boy, around his age, which was 19.

He had blueish-greyish hair that covered his right eye, but his left eye was a bright maroon color. He wore a black jacket, black jeans and a white undershirt.

Sub blinked at the boy, as if he was asking what he wanted.

The boy did the same.

Sub raised a brow. This boy gave him an oddly strange feeling.

Suddenly, the taller boy's fingers began to move in a pattern that Sub recognized.


The boy bit the inside of his cheek and looked at Sub. The shorter male just stared, mouth dry.

You see, Sub wasn't only blind in one eye, but was mute as well. He never spoke, not once in his life.

He swallowed nervously. Of course he knew how to speak in sign language, but he didn't want anyone finding out. So, doing the only thing he could do, he blinked again and looked at the ground. He didn't want to run and upset the boy, but he also didn't want to speak to him. Damn his social awkwardness.

You don't have to be afraid.

Sub looked up at the boy, who was giving him a small smile.

My name is Ethan. I see you all the time in class.

The emerald eyed boy looked down at his own hands. Slowly he lifted them up.

I had no idea you were mute too. He responded, looking at the boy shyly.

Ethan grinned. I kinda figured you were. You never say anything.

Sub felt a smile tug at the side of his mouth but let it slip away.

Hey, at least he knew he wasn't alone.


Sub walked home with Ethan for the millionth time. Still remembering the time they first met.

He felt a series of taps on his shoulder, indicating a sentence.

What are you thinking about? You've been quiet for quite a long time.

"Ha, quiet. The irony." Sub shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets as they slowly approached the house. Sub didn't want to go home. That meant Ethan would have to leave.


The taller boy looked down at Sub curiously.


I wanted to thank you.


Helping me take off my mask. For letting me slip out of my shell. So, thanks.

Sub looked away suddenly interested in his green sneakers.

Ethan said nothing, and started to walk again, suddenly interested in his shoes as well.

When they reached Sub's house, the green eyed boy looked over his shoulder to Ethan, who instantly gave him a half smile.

You're Welcome.

Sub grinned and pushed open the door, stepping inside with a huge ass smile on his face.







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