Chapter 5 ~ Hallison

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Hiro Hamada sat patiently at his desk, waiting for class to begin. He twirled a pencil in his hand, bored. He didn't really know what to do, since none of his friends were in his Tech class.

Suddenly, the door slammed open and a girl rushed in, panting and gasping for air.

She had one earbud in her ear and her dark brown curly hair was tied up into a neat ponytail. She wore a plain purple t-shirt and purple denim shorts. Her glasses were reflecting off the glare of the sun and her brown eyes were wide and alert as she kept gasping for air.

"Had... to run... from... science..." She gasped, bending over. "Oh my stars..."

He heard some kids snicker behind him. Mr. Goldstein shot her a disapproving look and rolled his eyes. "I'm guessing your the new student?"

She stood up straight, but some of her book tumbled over and she had to catch them in mid-air. She smiled in her awkward position of catching them and took a deep breath. "Yeah I am. I'm Allison."

"AHEMNERD." The kid behind Hiro pretended to cough.

She looked in his direction and scowled. "Well, then what are you doing here?" She shot back. Hiro turned to see the kids face was slightly shocked and he bit his lip.

She stuck her nose in the air and walked to the middle section of the class and parked next to Hiro. She let out a huff and took out her earbud. Turning on her phone, she hit the stop button for her music and shoved her phone into her pocket.

Hiro reluctantly tapped her shoulder and she snapped her head towards him, curiosity filled her eyes.

"What song was that?" He asked, staring into her brown eyes.

"Oh, my song?" She pulled her phone out of her pocket and turned it on showing the song album. Immortals by Fall Out Boy.

He raised an eyebrow. "I don't think I've heard that song before."

Her eyes widened. "Your joking. That song is amazing! You gotta listen to it after class, dude!" She nearly screamed.

Some more kids snickered, but she totally ignored them.

"Oops. Sorry." She gave him a half smile. "Whenever I get really excited or happy, I tend to yell. A lot." She looked away, embarrassed. "Sorry if I embarrassed you."

"No, no it's fine. I'm Hiro, by the way."

She grinned. "Allison. Although, you probably knew that because I just said my name out loud." She laughed heartily. Hiro could help but grin as well.

This could be the start of a wonderful relationship.


After Tech class, it was lunch. Allison and Hiro walked out, talking about stupid things like favorite foods and colors.

"Okay, okay, my turn." She said, that same smile from class plastered on her face as they walked to lunch. "Who's your favorite YouTuber?"

"Oh, I, um...well...I don't really watch YouTube that much." He said sheepishly, avoiding eye contact and rubbing the back of his neck.

Her eyes widened and she pretended to faint. Quickly, she started spitting out names like it was no one's business.




"Never heard of him."


"Who's that?"

She smacked her hand straight into her face a couple of times and Hiro laughed.

"We have so much to teach you." She murmured as they both walked into the cafeteria.

Instantly, Hiro wanted to introduce her to Gogo, Honey, Wasabi and Fred. But Allison had other plans.

She took off with a burst of speed to a nearby table, yanking him with her.

"HIRO!" She practically shrieked. "MEET MY BUDDIES!!"

There were 4 girls sitting at a quiet lunch table.

Allison rushed over to one and yanked her up. "Hiro, this is Gabby! She's my senpai!!"

Gabby rolled her eyes. "Must you tell everyone that? Besides, I'm watching Hanna freak herself out." Another girl with glasses jumped and threw her phone into the air.


"That would be Hanna." Allison said, dropping Gabby's arm. She ran over to another girl who wore a red scarf. "And that's Floof!"

"But my real name is Rachel. Not Floof." Floof cut in, shooting a look at Allison.

The last girl had her hair parted to one side and chewed her sandwich quietly.

"OHMYGOSHDANIELLE!!" Allison screamed, running over to her. Danielle dropped her sandwich in surprise and growled.

"Bish!! I was eating that!!" Which only made Allison crack up laughing. Danielle rolled her eyes. "What do you want?" She growled.

Allison grinned and screamed, "YOU GO GLEN COCO!!"

Danielles's snappy attitude suddenly turned bubbly and she doubled over with laughter.

Hiro stared at the 5 girls, all completely unique and different in their own way. But strangely similar to his own friends.

Danielle reminded him much of Gogo, who had an edge to her style and some attitude here and there.

Hanna reminded him of Fred. They both seemed extremely happy most of the time and they seemed obsessed with that new game, Five Nights At Freddys. They would get along well.

Floof reminded him a lot of Wasabi. They both had that almost nervousness in them.

Gabby reminded Hiro of Honey Lemon seeming very sweet and childish.

Allison, well, Allison reminded Hiro of his deceased brother, Tadashi. Always optimistic and there for you to make you smile.


Hiro snapped his head up to see Floof snapping her fingers in his face. "Um, you kinda spaced out, dude."

"I did?" He questioned.

"Yeah, you did. Meanwhile, your friends came over here." Gabby stated, walking over and nudging her head toward a small crowd of people.

Allison was chatting up a storm with Wasabi, Honey, Gogo and Fred.

Allison saw him staring at her and blushed.

Yeah, today was a good day.


Well, imma end it there and most likely add more later or make a part 2 or something lol


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