Part One

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I do not exist like the others.

I may appear so, but really, I am no where near. Why? Well, that one cannot be explained.

For as long as I can remember, I have had the ability to foreshadow someone's future. Of course, it's not just that; I always see a significant part of their life that will potentially change them forever. This could be meeting a partner, witnessing something scarring, or even death. I've seen everything.

My power (if it can be called that) is a blessing and a curse. It can be intriguing sometimes, knowing that I am the only person with the knowlegde of what is to come of someone's future, however I have endured many unspeakable nightmares of what I have witnessed in the past, and unfortunately, may have to witness again.

All it takes is for the skin on my finger to brush the skin of someone else. The pupils in my eyes will dilate ever so slightly, and I will freeze; the scene of this person's fate floods in front of my eyes, and I have no control over stopping it. I must stop myself from reacting, especially if this scene is a rather horrible one, in case of the person questioning my sudden change in mood. That is why I wear gloves throughout most of the day.

Naturally, I have told many people about what I see, and they all tell me the same thing: "you're talking shit." No matter how much I try to prove what I have, usually by touching them and telling them what I see (be it good or not), they will accuse me of lying. Hence why nobody trusts me anymore, and everybody calls me by my resulting nickname, 'Hoodoo Michael'.

Consequently, my existence is a rather solitary one.


"Someone sedate this idiot." He said.

"He's talking shit again!" She said.

I stood on a park bench, trying my best to convince a crowd of my ability to foreshadow their future. "I'm not talking shit!"

"Shut up, Hoodoo. Everyone knows this is a trick. It's impossible to tell the future."

I tilted my head slightly, growing peeved for the third time today. "And who said that? Just because you're basic doesn't mean can say something's one thing and expect everyone to believe you." The guy opened his mouth to speak, but I raised my hand in the air as a dissmissal. "Whatever. Have fun getting fired from your job due to laziness, you bigotry jerk."

Everyone in the crowd laughed. "Go back to playing with imaginary potions, Hoodoo Michael."

"You're all ignorant!" I flailed my arms in the air. "I can't wait to see your terrible fate one day!"

The people continued to laugh, and then eventually parted ways and left me on my own again. For years I had attempted and failed to have someone believe me. My struggle affected my life; people in school left me out, and I concentrated too much on my forseeing than schoolwork. Now I'm nineteen years old with no job and living with my mum. She may not believe me either, but at least she respects me.

"I believe you." My head popped up from the ground I was staring at. A boy stood in front of me. He was blonde and quite tall, but his appearance was not my main focus.

"You what?" I spoke cautiously. My hopes had been killed too many times to get excited so quickly.

"I believe you! Call me susperstitious, but I think that you're telling the truth."

The boy had my full attention now. "Why?"

"You're not very confident." He pointed out.

"Not many people come up to me and tell me that I'm speaking the truth."

"Fair enough. Now touch me."

So I did. I pulled the leather glove off of my right hand, stepped down from the bench, and touched the boy's cheek. As always, without fail, images began to unfold before my eyes; I saw skin first. It was rather difficult to tell because it was moving. Then I saw grass. The skin was moving up, down, up, down, onto the grass. It soon became evident that the skin did not belong to one person; there were two people. Now I knew what was happening. He was having sex. The boy's life will change dramatically after having sex with someone. But, then I saw the person he was having sex with. I recognised the blue hair.

I jumped back, shocked and slightly blushing. The boy looked at me confusedly, obviously desperate to know his fate. "So? What did you see?"

I couldn't focus. Why am I going to have sex with this boy? I didn't realise I was attracted to boys, let alone strange ones I meet in the park. "I- erm, you get a kitten."

"A kitten?" The blonde seemed dissappointed. "Come on. You're lying. God, maybe you can't tell the future-"

I frowned. "I can! You're going to be happy with that kitten!"

"I don't like kittens!" The boy raised his voice.

"Why the hell don't you like kittens?" I pouted, "why would I have sex with someone who doesn't like kittens."

The boy's face dropped. I paled, realising what I said. "Who said we're going to have sex?" He smirked slightly. I watched as his eyes trailed over my body.

I gave up, accepting what I saw. My eyes never lie. "For my own sake, I pray the sex doesn't lead to a relationship of any kind. I've known you for only a few minutes and you already annoy me."

"So we are going to have sex? You saw us have sex!"

I blushed again. I was never one to get embarrased, which is not surprising considering the amount of discrimination I deal with everyday in this village, so it was rare for me to feel this way. "Yes." I spoke bluntly, ignoring the pink on my face.

"Cool." The boy said. "Well, Hoodoo, since we're going to get a little closer one day, my name is Luke. Nice to meet you." He put out his hand to shake.

I declined his hand shake offer. "I'm Michael. Don't ever call me Hoodoo, or Hoodoo Michael, because my foreshadowing of your death may be a little sooner than initially anticipated."

Luke laughed. "Okay, Hoo."

"Not that either."


"Maybe it's going to be pity sex."

Luke continued to laugh. I finally got to get a better look at his facial features: he had a wide smile, and a lip ring to top it off. Even if his personality is annoying, he wasn't too unattractive. The blonde pulled out a phone, and then his face fell. "See you around, Michael."

I watched as Luke ran off out of the park and down the streets in the village until he was out of my sight. Then, I sat back down onto the bench I stood on earlier, and sighed, beginning the wait before (potentially) losing my virginity to Luke.


Okay so that was part one yay :D I'm really excited about this story. I've got a good plan for it and I can't wait to write it haha :)

Also please let me know what you think!!

Btw I got the name for this because in WW1 some soldiers claimed that they could foreshadow the death of other soldiers, and people found it really creepy so they gave them the name 'Hoodoo [insert name]".

So yeah I hope you enjoy this story :)

I'll update this every week, so yeah stay tuned.

Thanks for reading, bye :)


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