Part Three

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I don't like my ability to foreshadow.

Since the day I realised that I could tell the future, I wanted to get rid of it. I did everything I thought would work; I told my mother, who told me to stop lying, I told my doctor who told me the same thing. At one point I was so desperate that I squeezed lemon juice into my eyes. But for the sake of my vision, I ended up pouring cold water into them soon afterwards. Nowadays, I tend to just wear leather gloves in order to avoid skin-on-skin contact.

Of course there have been good things that came with telling the future. For example, when I was at school I got out of a detention for telling the teacher that I'd tell everyone about her having sex with another teacher (I'd seen enough scenes of the two). That probably wasn't one of my proudest uses of my power, but it worked.

The most outstanding circumstance though would have to be Luke. I'd known the boy for two days now, yet all I could think of was our sex. Last night I lost count of how many times I watched the same scene unravel before my eyes. Not that I got bored of it. And the kisses, well, that was my second favourite memory.

"Don't look directly at him."

I should be used to offensive comments by now. I found a seat in the small cafe, then sat down after buying a silce of cake. I glared at the people who stared at me. "I'm a teenage boy! Not the fucking sun."

A gasp came from a woman nearby. "There are children in this cafe!"

"Well," I said after finishing my bite of cake, "I feel sorry for them. They'll obviously never be taught respect growing up with a woman like you! You don't need to believe what I say, but the least you can do is let me eat my cake in peace."

Silence fell in the room. I continued to eat my cake. "Hoodoo Michael is the reason why this village is dead."

I dropped my fork. I stood up, making sure that my seat made a horrible scraping noise on the floor, then paused. "The reason this village is dead is because no one is even kind enough to just ignore me. I can tell the future whether you believe me or not," I stopped to glare at the woman covering a child's ears. "And I'm rather pleased to announce that all of your futures are going to be complete shit. Goodbye."

I stormed out of the cafe. I turned, heading for the park. I watched as everyone I walked past gave me a funny look. No one smiled at me. Finally I arrived in the park, and I walked towards my favourite bench that faces the spot where I have yet to have sex with Luke in. I soon forgot why I was angry, and I let my mind trail back to Luke.

"Talk of the devil and his horns appear." I heard a voice near me.

I looked up and saw Luke. He stood next to another guy. "You were talking about me?"

Luke pointed to the guy next to him, "I was telling Calum about how you can foreshadow the future. He wants you to touch him."

I sighed, pulling my leather gloves off. "Okay. Give me your bare arm, please."

Calum did as told, and I touched him. Suddenly I saw a bed; it was quite dark in the scene, so I assumed that it was night. Then I recognised Calum. He was naked, and I saw his entire body back to front, and then he perched himself on the bed. He got under the covers. Then the scene finished.

"What did you see?"

"You wank."

Calum froze. I looked up at Luke, who had an amused smile on his face. The moment his eyes met mine we burst out laughing. Calum still stood there in silence, and I noticed that his face was fading into a deep red. "What makes you think that!" Calum said.

"Well," I said as I pulled my gloves back on, "I suppose you'll have to find out for yourself. You're welcome, by the way."

Luke stepped forward and then sat next to me on the bench I sat on. He then wrapped his arm around my waist. Thankfully I had clothes where he touched me, so I was spared watching the sex scene of him and myself. It was too early to grow hard. "Have fun with that, Calum." Luke said.

Calum frowned as he watched Luke practically cuddle me. I was confused as to what to do in return considering no one cuddles me very often, so I leaned into Luke. The satisfied sigh that came out of him was reason enough for me to believe that my action was the right one. "I'll leave you two to touch each other, then. Bye, Luke."

Calum turned around and I watched as he walked out of the park. The boy seemed nice (compared to others I have the displeasure of knowing), however I couldn't get the image of him naked out of my mind. What a shame. "Luke?" I said.

"Yes?" Luke turned to look at me. His face was only centimeters from mine, and I couldn't tell if he was avoiding touching me.

"Do you really believe that I can tell the future?"

"Well, your orgasm from a couple of kisses was enough proof." Luke leaned in and kissed me. It was a quick one, but enough for me to foreshadow that lovely scene that was to take place only a couple of metres from where we sat. I moaned. "And you don't seem like the type to lie about magical things, Hoodoo Handsome."

"Hoodoo Hansome?" I laughed. "And it's not magical."

"Then what is it?"

I paused. I didn't actually know what it was. A power? A chemical in my brain that somehow gives me the knowledge no one else in this world is allowed to know? "I have no idea."

Luke kissed me again. His hand remained gripped on my waist, and he squeezed it lightly. "Whatever it is," he kissed my lips again, and yes, I foreshadowed again. "I find a man who can tell the future very attractive."

"Well you've found the right man." I said. I felt myself growing hard from the kisses.

"Can I call you Hoodoo Handsome?"

"Only if I can call you Talisman Luke."

"I'm your lucky charm?" Luke smirked. He stared into my eyes, as if somehow trying to find an answer to why I can foreshadow.

I smirked. "Well, you made me smile properly for the first time in years. I think that's magic itself."

Luke tickled me, "you're cute."

"Who's Calum, by the way?"

Luke's smile didn't fade. "Oh. He's my friend with benefits."


Luke don't tell Michael that

Thoughts on everyone in the village practically hating Michael?

Also thank you for the reads and stuff so far guys :D it means a lot, and I'm really excited about this story lol (get ready for smut)

Until next week bye :D


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