Part Nine

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I felt that waking up from a two day slumber gave me a new perspective on my life.

I had a feeling that I was going through a midlife crisis at age nineteen; who am I? It's pretty evident I make bad decisions, letting Luke take control of my life being proof enough, and I don't think about the future - despite it visually slapping me in the face each time I touch somebody.

And nothing bothered me a week ago. The main aim of my life was to convince people I can see into the future, and now here I am, with everyone stupid enough to finally believe me and leaving me to my own dreadful devices. I blame everything on Luke.

I sat in my bed and silently watched as Luke examined my body. He used a stethoscope (I didn't bother asking where he got it from) to measure my heartbeat, and held his left hand to my forehead to measure my temperature. "You don't seem unwell," Luke said.

"Well thank god for that." I spoke sarcastically. "I thought touching someone and passing out was actually something significant!"

Luke rolled his eyes. He was alone with me in my bedroom; Calum and Ashton had left without telling us where they were going. "And telling the future by touching someone isn't?"

Luke's comment shut me up. He continued to do checks on me, as best he could considering he probably had no qualifications in health, and still found nothing strange. Each time he touched me I foreshadowed him and that sex scene, and each time I grew more turned on. Worry and being horny probably was not a good mix.

"Luke." I said.

He took his hand off of my chest and turned to face me. "Yes, Hoodoo?"

"Fuck you."

"If you want to - but I'll finish checking you first."

"No," I said, "I'm mad at you!" I batted my arm towards Luke who flinched at my touch. "All of this is your fault!"

"What's my fault?" The blonde seemed genuinely confused. "I'm sorry I'm not a doctor but-"

I groaned. I opened my mouth to speak, but I was stopped by a telephone ringing. Luke jumped towards the door and picked up my mobile phone and answered it.

"Hello." Luke said. He paused, and I assumed the person on the other end was speaking. "Oh!" Luke spoke, "no. We've yet to find it . . . No. Don't. We're fine . . . Tomorrow? Okay, but expect a mess. Goodbye."

Luke hung up. "Why did you answer my phone?"

"We've got a day to make the village to look as if something exploded in it." The boy ignored my question.

I sat up from my bed. "Things just keep getting worse. How the hell will we do that?"

"Well," Luke said, looking up to my ceiling as if it would give him inspiration. "We never cleaned up after the bonfire! There's still wreckage there."

"Wreckage?" I repeated. "Wreckage! It's burnt wood in the middle of a little park - we're fucked, Luke. We're so-"

Luke ran over beside me in my bed. He kneeled down and held my torso, then moved his left arm up to cradle my head. I buried myself in Luke's shoulder. I panicked, but naked Luke in front of my eyes calmed me down. "We'll figure something out, Hoodoo." Luke spoke.

"No," I said. I didn't push Luke off me, only because I enjoyed his touch. "We have two options. Confess that we lied, which will mean that nobody will ever believe me about my ability to foreshadow, or, we run away. And I don't know you well enough to rely on you keeping me safe outside of the village."

Luke pulled away from our hug. He looked offended, "I'd keep you safe! And who says we'd leave the village? You can hide in my house!"

"Proof that I don't know you well enough!" I raised my voice. "I didn't realise how much of an idiot you are."

Luke let out a small laugh, and then frowned once he saw my disapproving look. He didn't reply to me, so instead, he kissed cheek. I gave in having craved his touch since he first touched me. The concern I was feeling faded slightly as his lips made their way to my own lips, but behind the thoughts of Luke's penis, I silently feared that my worst nightmare was beginning to come true. The world was never going to believe that I can foreshadow the future, all because of the boy I was kissing.


It was too late. Even if we did successfully hide from the village, they would know that I had lied. Luke and I stood before the burnt remains of our bonfire. It wasn't too bad; there was white ash scattered over small bits of blackened wood. It was pretty obvious we had a bonfire and not an explosion.

"We'll just have to confess," Luke said.

"We?" I turned to face Luke. "This is your fault!"

Luke shrugged. "Do you regret all of this though?"

I paused. "It was fun at first," I admitted, "but the aftermath isn't great."

Luke wrapped his arms around my shoulder and squeezed my arm. He leaned his head closer to mine and whispered in my ear, "having sex with me was fun?"

I turned to face Luke, but I didn't appreciate how close his face was to mine, and ended up brushing my nose against his. "It was alright." I teased.

"Alright." Luke repeated. "I suppose next time I'll have to raise the level a little more - I want to see you in tears at how amazing I am."

"Is that what Calum does?"

I felt Luke freeze beside me. He blushed. "No."

"Well, Luke," I took a step away from the blonde. "I'm afraid that no one cries in your significant future event either."


"Am I making you cry?"

Luke laughed. "You'll have to do a lot more to make me cry."

I turned my head away from the remains of the bonfire so that my full attention was on Luke. He was acting as cocky as when I first met him days prior, which truthfully, was the attitude that was slowly making me fall for him. There were many more important things to think about given that in a few hours I'd probably get kicked out of the village for my shameful lie, but I felt that all I could think about was Luke. All I wanted to think about was Luke. I reached my hand out and touched his bare hand.

I foreshadowed the same scene I had been seeing since I had sex with him. He was naked, and he was thrusting himself against another male. I tried to concentrate on who the other person was by attempting to recognise the details of them, but alas, my vision still just focused on Luke. The only detail of the other person was that he had hairy legs.

"Luke," I said. "You're going to confess to the village that it was all a lie. And you're going to say that it was all your fault."


I'm really looking forward to the next update lol but we'll have to wait another week :(

I hope you enjoyed this chapter though :D

Btw just as a notice, my important exams start in less than two weeks so I'm sorry that chapters aren't so long. But wish me luck please!!

Anyway bye ily :D


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