Part Four

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Unfortunately I cannot hear anything in my foreshadowing.

Usually it can be a bit of restraint; there might be something very important that is spoken by someone in the future. But I can't hear it. One example from the past (or should I say future) was when I foreshadowed my parents arguing. Since I was five and up until I was ten, whenever I touched my mother, I would see her shouting at my father. Funnily enough, it turned out that the reason for their argument was my ability to foreshadow. My father left that same evening.

As I shared a bench with Luke in the park, I wondered whether I missed something in Calum's foreshadowing. Maybe the noise of Luke pulling a condom out of a drawer.

"He's your friend with benefits?" I said, trying to hide my jealousy.

Luke nodded. "Yeah. He's alright."

"Then what does that make me? Your 'soon to be friend with benefits', I mean, we will have sex one day."

"I love it when you bring that up." Luke leaned into the bench a little more and spread his legs out. I couldn't help but stare at his crotch. "You can be whatever you want to be, Handsome."

I copied Luke and relaxed into the bench. I spread my legs out slightly, but it didn't feel comfortable at all. I tilted my head to the right. "I'd quite like to not be made fun of for being Hoodoo Michael, but I doubt that'll ever happen. Think before you speak, Luke."

Luke laughed. "If I could tell the future like you, I'd get up to so much trouble. Don't talk about it like it's a curse!"

"Oh, I get up to trouble." I said. I suddenly forgot about Calum.

"Yes? Like what?"

I leaned a little closer to Luke and lowered my voice, "you don't want to know."

"I think I do." Luke lowered his voice now too.

"Okay. Well, one time I accidently killed my friend's pet bird so I told him that I foreshadowed it being eaten by a dog instead. I got away with it."

Luke laughed. "How did you kill it?"

"I stepped on it."

Luke locked his eyes with mine for a moment and smiled. "I've got an even better idea of using your foreshadowing, you know."

I tilted my head again. "Like what?"


It's a shame I can't foreshadow my own future. If I could, then I probably would have seen what I was about to do.

I stood on the same park bench. Everyone in the village crowded around me. The village is rather small, but the amount of people listening to me was quite overwhelming. I turned, and faced Luke who stood next to me and he winked.

"Villagers!" I started. "Thank you for coming."

"Just get on with it, Hoodoo." I heard a voice say.

I glared in the direction of the voice. "Well, I gathered you here today to tell you something important." I paused, and then turned to face Luke. He nodded as if urging me to continue. "I foreshadowed something substantial!"

"You're leaving the village?" A woman's voice spoke this time.

"No. Even better." I took a deep breath, "the village going to be destroyed! A bomb is going to explode right in this very park, and we only have one day to escape! So do so, for the sake of your lives!"

There was silence, and then people started laughing. The laughter grew louder and louder, and I watched as everyone I knew nearly pissed themselves at what I said. I blushed. Then I heard a scream.

"He's right!" Luke said, playing along. "Oh my god! We're going to fucking die, listen to him!" Luke's shouting was so loud it caught the attention of everyone in the crowd. The blonde stepped onto the bench I was standing on and screamed again. "Save yourselves!"

The laughter quickly turned into a confused mumble of voices. They actually took Luke seriously. "People of the village, I know you hate me, but I'm telling you this to help you! Have I ever lied about my foreshadowing before?" I shouted as loud as Luke.

"It just doesn't make sense," a man said, "why would our village be destroyed out of nowhere?"

Good question, I thought. "Don't ask me! Just trust my foreshadowing, and get the hell out of here."

And it worked. After about an hour of persuasion on the bench with the help of Luke, the entire village packed its bags and headed out. Investigators were called in order to search for a bomb, but of course, they found nothing. However in fear of their lives, everybody still escaped. Including my mother, but since I'm nineteen, she trusted me to make my own way out. Or so she thought. The village was soon empty of habitants.

Luke and I had the village to ourselves.

"It actually worked," I said.

"See? Your ability to foreshadow is a blessing." Luke nudged my shoulder. We sat sprawled out on the grass of the park, watching the sun set. The village was completely desolate.

"With the help of you, though."

"I'm also a blessing to you."

"Don't talk too highly of yourself, Luke." I nudged him back.

I sat up, and looked around the empty village. Now it really was dead. There was no one in sight apart from Luke, and I quite liked that.

"Why are we laying here?" I said. "We have the place to ourselves. Let's do something crazy."

"I like this side of you," Luke said. "But before we do anything, kiss me."

I paused. "But I'll see us-"


I shrugged. Luke leaned in towards me, and soon our lips were touching. The same image of us having sex appeared in front of my eyes again, however, I noticed something strange this time; I could hear something. Maybe it was my infatuation for Luke playing with my mind, but I was so sure that I could hear soft moans coming from Luke. I pulled away from the kiss.

"What is it?" Luke asked, slightly out of breath from the kiss.

"I could hear you moaning."

Luke made a cocky smirk. "Was it hot?"

I nodded, but then stopped myself. "That's not the point. I've never heard anything from the future before."

"Maybe I'm special to you," Luke shrugged.

I thought of Calum. "Am I special to you?"

"Of course! I've never kissed a guy who has the ability to kick out an entire village."

"That's the only thing that makes me special?"

"Well I haven't fucked you yet."

I frowned. "What about my personality?"

"You're fun," Luke tilted his head. "But you ask too many questions for someone who knows more than anyone on earth."

"Well you're rude and you flirt too much." I ignored what Luke said.

Luke kissed me again, and yes, I saw him naked again. "Maybe so, but I think that we make a good pair."

I looked around the empty village again. "Agreed."


Muke have the village to themselves lol ideas on the mischief they'll get up to? Haha

Thank you for the reads so far guys, ilysm :)


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