Part Ten

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Luke and I stood beside the bench in the park.

The park was slowly filling up with angry and confused looking villagers. I spotted my mum standing not too far away, but I tried my best to avoid eye contact with her. The once silence-filled village was filled with a loud murmur of voices, but that was ceased once Luke whistled loudly.

He stood on the bench. "Hello, villagers." He started.

The crowd roared with anger. "Get on with it!" Said a voice; I listened to people complaining about the lack of wreckage in the village.

"Okay." Luke took a breath, then exhaled. "There was never any bomb."

Everyone stopped talking. Instead they all took their eyes off of Luke and onto me. "Hoodoo Michael is a liar." Shouted a woman. I recognised her as one of the mothers who diverts her children from me when I pass them.

"I'm not!" I said. I climbed onto the bench and stood next to Luke. I raised my voice. "I have never lied about my ability to foreshadow, I swear! It was just Luke's idea!"

Luke nodded. "We wanted the village to ourselves."

The crowd roared even louder in anger. Now I couldn't comprehend what anyone was saying. "We're sorry. Well, Luke is - he forced me into it."

Luke nodded again. "It's all my fault. I just wanted to let Hoodoo Michael know how to take advantage of his power, which you idiots don't believe in."

"How can we now that we know how big of a liar Hoodoo is?" Shouted another voice.

"Get to know him?" Luke said. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, that was thankfully clothed. Now was not the time to orgasm over Luke. "He's a nice guy. You guys are just too closed-minded."

I looked up at Luke sheepishly and mouthed him a 'thank you'. What Luke was doing was kind, despite the villagers obviously not listening.

"And yes," Luke continued. "Hoodoo and I committed the fine act of sodomy on your field. And that's another thing you must accept."

I froze. The crowd froze. Luke winked at me, thinking what he just said was OK to say in public. It isn't; especially with an already provoked crowd like this one. The tension Luke created began to quickly grow unbearable.

I scooted away from Luke's hold, blushing a deeper red as time went on. Still no one spoke. It was as if everybody was telepathically deciding on what to do about Luke and me and their minds. Though I wasn't part of this mental conversation, I knew the outcome. I was fucked.

"Dear god." A man said. "Holy shit."

A woman fainted.

Another woman began to sob.

I noticed my mother in the back looking utterly ashamed.

I bowed my head in mortification. "Luke," I whispered. "Why."

"What did I do?" Luke whispered back.

I nudged him. "Who raised you to think that telling such a problematic group of people that we fucked in their home was normal?"

"Is any part of this normal?" Luke argued.

I fell silent again. I looked out into the shocked crowd, then made eye contact with my mother. She frowned. I then looked back out to the rest of the village, and forced an innocent smile.

"I say kick him out of the village." Someone said.

"I say kick both of them out!"

"Before they sodomise somewhere else in our village!"

The people began to move closer towards the bench Luke and I were standing on. They besieged us; there was no escaping them. I felt like I was thrown into battle with no weapons, well, except Luke. But he was still no help. He looked more confused than scared.

I grabbed onto Luke's arm for comfort. Everybody had their arms in the air ready to grab us. They all had the same facial expression: resentment.

Suddenly I felt a hand grab at my ankle. The person touched my skin; I foreshadowed a man looking miserable in an empty room. I shut my eyes, hating every moment of what was happening. Before I could make any noise, however, another person grabbed my free wrist. I foreshadowed a woman this time, again looking miserable in an empty space. The same woman yanked me down into the crowd of people, and by doing so, I was practically yanked away from reality. Everyone's skin was touching mine; so many people's futures flashing before my eyes. In the midst of it all I didn't stop to realise how they all had the same fate. Being miserable and lonely.

But loneliness was the furthest from my mind. I was struggling to breathe in the panic of everybody wanting to grab me and pull me to wherever they were planning. They soon had a good grip of me; at least two people on each leg and each arm. I foreshadowed them all.

"Where do we take them?" I heard somebody shout.

"Outside of the village, duh."

I could no longer see Luke. All I could hear was muffled shouting and the occasional phrase from somebody nearby. My vision was blocked with the images of despaired people on their own. I wanted to scream.  "Let me go!" I pushed, but my voice was drained out by everyone else. There was no escape from them.


I woke up beside Luke.

I couldn't tell if I had a nightmare or what I remembered actually happened. Even so, my headache was all too real.

"Luke." I said.

The blonde kneeled over beside me. "Michael!"

I smiled lightly. I looked up, concentrating on Luke's face rather than my surroundings. "How are you?"

"I'm alright. And you?" Luke tilted his head as me smiled.

"I'm confused." I said.


I shifted in my seat. There was something uncomfortable underneath my bum. "I had a strange dream."

"Oh?" Luke said. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I saw him naked, and thankfully, my headache faded slightly after that. "What happened in it?"

"I dreamt that the village found out about our lie and we were kicked out."

Luke let go of my hand. "Erm, Hoodoo. That did happen."

I paused. I took my eyes away from Luke's face, and yes, I noticed trees. I was sitting in the middle of the woods. That was probably why my ass was so uncomfortable. "What."

I bowed my head down, trying to comprehend everything that happened. A couple of seconds later, a finger touched my chin and lifted my head up. Naked Luke entered my vision. He looked into my eyes, and I finally looked into his. He kissed me silently.

I still felt that my mind was elsewhere. I kissed Luke back as if it was a reflex, the scene that unfolded at the action becoming a regular comfort to me. "It'll be okay, Hoodoo. Whatever the future brings us, whether you foreshadow it or not, we will be able to go through together. You're not alone anymore."

I made myself really emotional

This is my favourite chapter in this so far :)

Thoughts on Muke's fate?

I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I'll see you next week!

Also my first exam is on Tuesday :c but thank you guys for all of your good lucks my last a/n, ilysm.

Bye :D


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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2015 ⏰

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