Part Eight

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Being able to foreshadow doesn't necessarily mean that I know everything that will happen in the future.

Take Luke for example; if someone told me that I'd be breaking the law with a strange good-looking boy a few weeks ago I would have called them crazy. And I would have tried touching myself for the thousandth time in attempt to foreshadow my own future. Alas, what happens in the future is inevitable (as with a lot of things). I just have a little more prescience than the average human.

This meant that I had no idea about what Ashton would be like. So when I met him, I was prepared to be surprised - maybe he has some other mystical power, I couldn't guess - but when I did meet him, surprised was an understatement.

It turned out Ashton doesn't live too far away from the village. Luke easily contacted him, and he arrived at our bonfire an hour later. He seemed like a normal guy, or at least as normal as one can get if they know Luke.

"Michael," Luke said. "This is the gnome you dislike."

"You don't like me?" Ashton said. He sat next to me by the fire. "I've only known you for a minute."

I shrugged, rolling my eyes at Luke. "What else do you feel when someone you're about to fuck gawks over a gnome?"

"Fair enough." Ashton said. He pulled out his hand for me to shake, but I declined considering I wasn't wearing my leather gloves, and I didn't want to foreshadow the stranger. "I can assure you, I'm no gnome."

"Okay." I said. "I believe you."

Ashton hesitantly put his hand back in his pocket. Silence fell, and the four of us all chewed on the remains of the stolen food. The bonfire was still burning brightly, and as I stared at it, I wondered what made Ashton so special. He's also very handsome; being surrounded by odd people isn't too bad when they're all hot.

I stood up. The sky was now pitch black, and since we didn't have torches, the only light sources were the bonfire and the stars. "I'm going home," I announced.

The three boys stared up towards me. "Already?" Luke said. "It's a bit early. The night has only just started."

"I don't really feel like sitting here in silence for another couple of hours." I confessed.

Luke pulled himself up and stood behind me. He wrapped his arm around my (clothed) shoulder. "Hoodoo. This is nowhere near as exciting as it gets."

"Yes?" I frowned at my nickname. "Then what is?"

Luke turned around to face Calum and Ashton. They smirked as they looked at me.  "Well, do you want to join us?" Calum said.

"As long as it's not dangerous." I said.

"Okay," Luke interrupted. He still had his arm around me. "Let's all get naked first!"

Everyone began to take their clothes off. Confused, I stood away from them and awkwardly watched. I thought Luke was joking, but I was proved wrong as seconds later three naked boys stood before me.

"Michael! Get naked."

I shifted on my feet uncomfortably. "I don't want to."

"Come on," Luke said. "If we're naked we can touch each other, and you can see us have sex again!"

I paused. "No. And anyway, what the hell can I do naked that I can't when I'm clothed?"

"Fuck us." Ashton said.

Everyone fell silent. I then saw Calum stifling a laugh, but he stopped once I glared at him. "No."

"I was joking!"

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