Part Five

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Who knew that someone so . . . Luke could also be so reckless.

The empty village was ours. We could do whatever we wanted, so why not take advantage of it? It was Luke's idea to scribble out the name of the village on its welcome sign to read 'Welcome to SUCK MY DICK'. I however was a little more toned down; I forced Luke to help me steal each and every cake in the local cafè.

But those were not the only things we got up to. In my opinion, the best part of the day was when Luke decided to strip naked. Naturally I followed suit. The two of us ran around the park, feeling free and reborn.

"What are we going to do now?"

Luke and I sat on the grass of the park and watched the pink sunset. Luke shrugged. "Have sex?"

I tried to hide my enthusiasm. "Now?"

"Why not?" Luke winked.

I leaned back, making sure I stretched my legs outwards as I did so. I groaned a little. "Alright."

Luke rolled over onto my stomach, and the moment his bare skin hit mine, I watched the scene of us. Now I finally knew the time in my foreshadowing. I groaned a little louder. Luke continued to press himself against me, aware that it only took one touch to turn me on. He kissed me, just a peck, and then kissed me again. "Is this what you saw in your foreshadowing?"

I nodded weakly. "Mm," I moved my arm and slid my hand down Luke's waist. "I keep seeing it."

We both grew hard at the idea. Now all we needed was protection. "Have you got a condom?" Luke whispered.

"I'm a virgin. No."

Luke pulled himself off of me, and finally I was free from seeing the scene for a few moments. I groaned again. "I have some in my car."

I slapped Luke's bum, "don't be long!"

Luke waddled away from me, and I watched his naked back admiringly. I kept thinking back to what I saw; everything in that scene I had been seeing for days was around me. The grass, the dark hue, naked Luke. I waited patiently. The blonde took a while, but I figured that his car was just far away. To be fair, the nearest car park to this village is quite a walk.

Soon I grew bored. I started picking diasies off of the grass and created a daisy chain. Time passed, and soon the sun had nearly set. Still no sign of Luke.

Then I began to worry. I pulled myself off the ground, then headed in the direction of where Luke had gone. I was still naked, but thankfully it was rather warm. And besides, it wasn't like anyone was there to see me. I continued to walk, peering around each corner I passed. Eventually I found myself on the borders of the village. "Luke!" I began to shout, but there was still no sign of him.

Eventually as I turned another corner I found him, huddled over on a patch of grass. I approached him with caution, confused as to what was going on.



"What are you doing?" I bent over slightly, growing anxious about my naked-ness.

Luke pointed to what he was looking at. It was a gnome. "Look!"

I frowned. "You left me to look at a gnome?"

"It's a pretty gnome. Let's bring it to the park."

I stared at Luke in confusion. My mother always warned me about strangers, and now I knew why. Luke was crazy. "Erm, I think I should go home."

"Why?" Luke finally turned to look at me. He was naked as well. I tried my best to not look at his penis.

"Because you're nuts!" I tilted my head, "who the hell says he's going to get a condom but instead stares at a gnome for god knows how long? Bloody hell." I turned to leave, but then I was stopped by Luke grabbing my arm. I saw the sex scene again.

"Wait," he said, then dropped my arm. "We can go back. I just want the gnome to come too."

I searched for the gnome in the scene, but I saw no sign. Maybe this wasn't the life-changing night. "Please explain your reason first."

Luke paused, then picked up the gnome. "It's pretty."

"I'm seeing a whole new side of you tonight. What happened to the Luke who keeps begging to have sex with me?"

The blonde laughed, then stood up and threw his left arm around my shoulder. I didn't budge, because I was comfortable foreshadowing him again. "Hoodoo," he started, "it's always been a fantasy of mine to have sex with a boy as mysterious as you. I just want the night to be perfect." Luke waved the gnome in front of me.

"You know how to please me, Luke."

He smirked, "wanna finish what we started?"

"Okay." I closed my eyes, and soon I felt Luke's lips on mine. I saw the scene again, and again, I grew hard. The sun had set fully now, which left Luke and I kissing in a dark corner of a field under the moonlight. I would have admired the surroundings if there weren't an even better view flashing right before me.

I attempted to slide my hand around Luke's waist, but this time it didn't work so well as I accidently tickled him. He pulled away from me, then dragged me onto the now wet grass. We kissed again. "Did you actually get the condoms, by the way?"

Luke fumbled around in the dark, and then pulled the packet in the air. He smiled. "Of course."

"Want to put it on?"

Luke did as I asked. He pulled it on, then twirled me around so that I faced the grass. I heard him shift from above me, but I didn't worry since I knew that he's experienced. He grabbed my shoulders lightly. "Wanna lose your virginity to Talisman Luke?"

I nodded, too excited to think of a witty reply. Then I felt Luke go inside me.


I left it just before the smut SORRY

But it'll all be there in the next chapter I promise

Btw if you guys are wondering why Luke wants the gnome so much it's purely because have you ever read smut involving a gnome? (It's also gonna be important in the story lol)

Okay until next week bye guys :)


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