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Fighting and these two were a obvious match for everyone who knew them for the longest time. Especially Epel and Jack, that used to meet them everyday and got to hear their troubles.

At first, the reason of their fights was strictly their conflicting mindset, aggravated by their own troubling temperament. One couldn't understand why the other acted that way.

Why won't he give up already? Doesn't he notice how all this effort is useless? and He's capable of anything, why won't he make an attempt to be more active?

Any prospect of ceasefire was pure imagination.

With time, the fights became more scarce but the subjects were trivial things, from Did you leave the towel over the bed again? to Let me eat what I want!

Sometimes the reason of the fight was more sensitive.

Why didn't you tell me about this? Don't you trust me?

They both weren't too forgiving. One little quarrel may turn into a huge deal just because they can bring up some upsetting actions from long ago that seemed resolved but when brought together it became bigger than it was.

They could spend many days avoiding each other, and their busy schedules may serve as a distraction. However, the time they realize they can't live without one another, they might call a truce.

After all, they could resolve it later, if they were too busy throwing themselves at each other's arms through the night.

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