Fall Out

14 3 5

Kayla's POV

In all 19 years of my life, I was never this free. I moved out of my mother's house and live alone in a small apartment two cities away... It was a huge downgrade from what I had back home but at least I didn't have to deal with mom's judgemental self anymore.

I have experienced my fair share of bullying, racism, stereotypes but my mother made everything feel like it was just a tap on the shoulder... And her comparing me to my perfect older sister everyday made me want to kill myself. I had a hard time growing up as it was but being unappreciated by my only mother made my heart break.

My dad lived abroad and I only got to see him once in a long while. He was way nicer than my mom and I loved him to bits but at least my mother still paid for my college fees and my dad and I were responsible for my living expenses.

I liked town though... The city was a bit to crowded and annoying but this town was peaceful and collected. Just what I needed.

"A pack of cigarettes."

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a low, deep voice who's owner looked grumpy as ever and I shook my head trying to snap myself back to reality. He looked like he was in his late thirties... Maybe thirty seven. His blue eyes held no visible emotion... They just seemed cold and blank. Dark blonde, messy hair though most of it was covered by the black hood he wore over his head. It was the first time he'd ever came here during my shift...

"Cigarettes..." he repeated as he slid the squashed dollar note he had in his hand to my side of the counter.

"Ohw... Sorry for that..." He grunted lowly after I said that and I grabbed a box of cigarettes then handed it to him. He quickly shoved the small box in his pocket before looking at the queue behind him then pulled a packet of mints from the box on top of the counter. He pulled out another dollar note and slid it on the counter to me again then he was gone.

The corner store was a good thinking place... Costumers hardly ever talked to me which was a good thing because it was right by the edge of town and I had a bit of social anxiety... always got nervous when strangers talked to me. But when they did talk to me... I was sure to keep the conversation brief or sent them to the  store assistant.

It was a Tuesday morning, on my way to college... I woke up ten minutes late, didn't have breakfast and probably forgot to put on some deodorant.

Sometimes I wondered what was I thinking when I picked nursing college... Then I remembered that I didn't have a choice because my mother forced it on me. I hated every second of those damn classes.

"Hey, Kayla!"

A voice called from behind me startling the life out of me and I dropped my car keys. I quickly picked them up and turned around to see Jamal... Another jerk from my class.

"Kayla, you good?" he asked with a stupid look on his face. His deep brown eyes slowly went over my curves and he disgustingly smirked... And I thought he said that I was too 'fat' for him.

"What do you want, Jamal?"

"Okay... Straight to the point, I see..."

I sighed cutting him off and gripping my bag's strap , "Jamal... I don't have time for this sma..."

"Okay... So, we have this masked party we're hosting tonight at my dad's mansion in town ."

"I don't want to come." I spat.

He cringed his face a bit before kissing his teeth, "Ohhw no... I was just -" he pursed his lips before continuing, "... Going to ask if you had any cute, freaky girls in mind that would want to come?"

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