One Night

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Kayla's POV

Just as I thought he'd hide all his keys and lock me in the house, he dropped the house and car keys on the coffee table and took off the black hoodie he was wearing. He walked towards the staircase then suddenly turned to me... Who was standing still in one position with no idea as to what I was expected to do for the night.

"You can go into the living room... I'll be right back." he murmured before slowly walking up the stairs.

I watched as his huge figure disappeared to the second floor. I looked around the warm room... Under the couch, pillows, tables and behind curtains for any sort of weapon but there was nothing. I passed a small table with a small stack of books next to a big red chair... Maybe it was his reading chair. I was sort of surprised by the fact that he read books. He certainly didn't cross me as the type.

"Uhhm..."he hummed as he descended the stairs. His movements came to a hault as he stood in front of me with something in his hand. "Here."he said holding his hand up to me and handed me a huge black jersey. "The blow drier is in the bathroom. You can put your clothes in the tumble drier in the basement that way." he said as he pointed to a brown wooden door behind himself. There was some sort of tattoo that peeked under his shirt... It looked like it continued all the way to underneath his shirt.

"Thanks." I murmured as I walked past him... In an attempt to find the bathroom.

"Ohhhw... And Kayla, the bathroom is upstairs, first door to your right."

I nodded as i dragged myself up the few stairs and took a second before I entered the bathroom. I quickly made sure to lock the door behind me. I quickly stripped out of my wet clothes and sighed as my cold body came into contact with the warm water. It was so peaceful that I was in there for about an hour before I started to feel really hungry. After I blow dried my hair and went downstairs with my arms over my growling stomach. I sniffed as my nose caught a slight smell of something edible and my stomach growled again. I heard a deep voice curse from behind the entrance to the kitchen and I followed the scent.

He took a glance at me then looked to the plate of two pizza slices that were in his hand before handing it to me.

"Thanks..." I murmured and then he swung a beer bottle my direction. "I don't drink beer."

He hummed then chugged the thing up. I took a bite of my pizza as I watched his Adam's apple as it bobbed up and down with every gulped... He wasn't even taking breathing breaks in between as he chug on the brown liquid. He pulled the bottle away from his lips and wiped them off with the back of his hand then his eyes fell on the half eaten pizza slice I had on my plate.

"Eat up. You have an early morning tomorrow."

I watched as he walked out of the kitchen. I saw a bit of ink on the nape of his neck but I quickly focused back on my supper and finished it up. I curled up on the comfy couch and tightly held the blue blanket against my body to try to ease the occasional shivering. I slowly drifted into a peaceful slumber.

Morning came and I dragged my tired body off the couch. I yawned my way to the kitchen and got some water... I was feeling awfully thirsty for a person that just woke up but I first gurgled some water to try fade out my morning breath and quickly spit the water in the sink, rinsing it afterwards.

I changed back into my clothes and I still hadn't seen Jason ever since I got up but his car was parked in the driveway so i guessed that he wasn't a morning person. Before I took my leave... I felt a bit cold so, I took one of the jackets he had hung by the door and started to walk towards town.

It was a short walk to the main road and I got a ride from an old lady. Once I got back to my apartment, I quickly picked up my mail and called my dad to tell him about what happened yesterday... Right after that, I got a call from the tow truck company, they apologized for the delay and promised to get my car back and said they'd fill up the tank on their way.

Can't people just do what they're paid to do?

Couldn't they assist me when I called them? Instead, my father had to be the one to call and threaten them with his fortune before they even cared enough to tow my car. "How tiring!"

As I went through the stack of mail I had, I was stunned to have one from my father. He could've just called or sent an email. I quickly teared open the envelope that sat on top of the wrapped box.

"I might be busy for the whole of next week. So, this is my gift in advance... You can wear it at Macy's engagement party next week . I love you.
-Love dad."

I was a bit disappointed because we had already made plans to spend my birthday together but at least he got me something.

I unwrapped the box and when I opened it, I saw the prettiest dress i had ever seen. It had lacey sleeves and a very expensive feel to it. As i lifted the dress a small gift was revealed from underneath it. It had pearly earrings and a matching neck piece... A pearly choker joined with a silver chain.

I closed the box and placed it on the top shelf in my closet. I looked back at Jason's jacket that hung on my reading chair. I was planning on giving it to him whenever I saw him... I always thought he was weird until last night. Although he always kept conversations short and never did eye contact... Which was a good thing because I found eye contact kind of weird.

*phone rings*

"Hey, sis!" Macy screamed as soon as I answered the call.

"Hey, Mace..."

"Mom, told me that you agreed to come to my engagement party. I'm so excited to see you... It's been like a half a year since I last saw you."

I chuckled, "Yeah... But I might have to be a bit late." she sighed dramatically and I quickly said, "... But I promise I'll be there. It's just that I have school and work..."

"Urgh! That's no problem. I already called your boss, he said that he'd give you the week off and mom called the dean and you're excused for the whole of next week." she bragged. "So... Pack a bag. Leon is picking you up first thing in the morning."


She interrupted, "Bye! Love you and I'll see you soon."

And with those words my phone beeped after she hung up.


I sighed as I got up and pulled out a bag from my closet and started packing. Leon wasn't exactly the patient type of butler. The smallest of things could piss him off and as much as he never even said anything about it, i could tell when he was angry.

After an hour of packing, I laid on my bed as I fiddled with my phone until I fell asleep.

>>next chapter...
Engagement plans.

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