I Would...

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Kayla's POV

I drove as slow as I possibly could... I was a very emotional person and if anyone were to honk their car at me, my crying would be a whole lot worse. My tears wetted my face and neck as i tried to refrain from screaming.

You know... That night didn't mean anything...

Jerk! Of course, I know it didn't mean anything!

But who in the world was i kidding? Him or me? That kiss meant something to me. He could've at least said it in a less rude manner. I parked my car outside the pharmacy... Thirty minutes away from Jason's house.

A black SUV truck parked next to my car almost running me over but I pasted my body on my own car. The driver hopped out of his car and rushed towards me.

"Hey, I am so sorry about that miss. Are you okay?" he asked with his dark brown eyes skimming over my body trying to see if I was okay.

He didn't seem familiar, I was sure he wasn't from around. The way he spoke had a little west African accent. He had a tattoo at the back of his neck that went down all the way to his back. His features were all so hard to ignore... His broad black eyebrows, long lashes, clear brown skin and a very charming smile.

"I'm fine."

"That's a relief." he sighed before flashing his pearly whites at me.

"I'm sorry but I really have to go."

He chuckled, "Yeah, I apologize for the delay..."

I gave him a tight smile before walking right past him.

I entered the pharmacy and bought everything I thought that Jason would need for the pain and ointments to prevent infections. The black SUV that almost ran me over was still right where I had left it but the owner wasn't. He was good looking but something about him didn't sit well with me. Maybe it was because he almost ran me over.

"Ohhw, come on!" I sighed after not finding Jason right where I'd left him.

"Relax, I just went to use the bathroom." he slowly turned his back to me as he shut the door behind himself. His tattoo was spread across his whole back. It was the first time that I had actually paid attention to it. It was a huge dove drawn across his upper back with some kind of writing on the side of his torso... I didn't get a chance to get a good look at it because he started walking towards me.

"Ohhw no. You're bleeding again."

"Fuck." he simply said as he looked down at the dressing around his torso.

I knew that was bound to happen eventually. After eating and taking the pills I had gotten for him... he fell asleep. I had work the next day so I couldn't stay around. I took the spare key to his house so I could lock up after leaving. I quickly fell asleep after I got to my apartment since it was a very quiet night. After that night, I didn't see him for days.


"Thank you..." I said to the customer as I handed her change and her items in a plastic bag. She gave me a slight nod then headed for the exit.

"Isn't this a weird coincidence?" a familiar voice said and I was surprised to see the guy in a black SUV that almost ran me over yesterday. "Geez, where are my manners... I'm Shaun." he smiled as he placed his shopping basket on the counter.

"Kayla..." I said as I unpacked the basket.

"Well, nice to meet you Kayla. You don't happen to know of a Chad around, do you?" he asked.

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