Engagement Plans

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Kayla's POV

The ride back home was long and tiring. On the way home, I bought mom her favorite bourbon and got some fancy chocolates for Macy.

The car was awfully quiet and I could sense that there was still tension between me and Leon since we almost had something but it never happened, thanks to my mother.

The car stopped outside a huge white mansion which I called home which was surrounded by palm trees, the weather was perfect and the neighborhood was super peaceful. Leon opened the door for me as we got out of the fancy, black Mercedes. As we walked in, mom sprung from the huge living room couch to come and give me a tight hug.

"My angel!"

"Hey, mom." I said as I also returned the warm hug.

Loud footsteps echoed through the whole house as Macy skipped downstairs before she threw herself into my arms, "Kayla... You've grown so much in six months!" she complimented as she planted a kiss on my head.

"This looks amazing..." I said as I held up her left hand to see the shiny pink diamond ring she had on. "It's beautiful."

"I know right..." she shrieked, "I can't wait for you to meet Chris and his family. They're all so amazing!"

I chuckled, "I also can't wait to meet them..."

"Come on, Kayla. You could at least be a little more excited for your sister..."

"But, mom... I am."

She sighed, "Your face doesn't show it."

"Mother, she's just a bit tired." Macy said as she pulled me up the flight of stairs. We got to my bedroom and pushed me to my bed. "Try getting some sleep because tomorrow morning, we have things to do."

"What things?" I asked as I got under my bed covers. "I thought I was just here to wait for Saturday to come..."

"If you were just here as my sister but you are here as my sister and maid of honor."

My eyes shot open as I scooted to the edge of my bed... Closer to her. "What?"

She gave me a huge smile before wrapping her arms around my neck, tightly hugging me, "Ever since you left... I noticed that we never had a sisterly bond, and I want to change that by having you at my side 24/7."

I had never had Macy care that much for me which was super convincing and I believed that she did want us to get along better. I reached for my backpack which was on the floor and pulled out a box of chocolates." This is for you. I know you like to stress eat. And yes... Your dress will still fit you even after eating these."

"Thanks, Kay."

I got up to leave the bedroom but she pulled me back in bed, "Where are you going?"

"To give mom this." I answered holding up the bottle of bourbon.

She sighed as she took the bottle of liquor out of my hand, "I'll give it to her. You just rest. I don't want you looking this tired on Saturday."

"Fine!" I sighed as I buried my body under the warm covers.


"Are you ready?" Macy asked me as she stood behind a huge curtain that completely hid her from my eyes.

"Yes! Come out already..." I chuckled excitedly and mother agreed with a huge smile on her face. We had been sitting on that dress shop couch for the longest time. We hadn't already gotten any dresses for the party on Saturday instead we started with finding a wedding dress.

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