Under The Influence

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Kayla's POV

"Brother." Adam said as he gave Jason a handshake.

My body froze against the kitchen counter as I watched his muscles relax and bulge in his tight suit with every movement that he made.

"Kayla?" Adam said snapping me back to reality.

Jason slowly turned to me with his eyes looking below mine.

"Uhhm..."I choked on my breath for a bit and I cleared my throat."Hi,Jason."

We just all remained awkwardly silent there with Adam seated on the other side of the kitchen table, Jason facing me and me just staring at him.

"Do you guys know each other?" Adam finally spoke and I reverted my attention to him.

"No." Jason said but it sounded more like a whisper.

"Certainly, looked like you knew each other for a second there." Adam chuckled.

I stole a glance at Jason before finishing up the coffee that Rissa had me make. Adam's conversation with Jason had Adam do most of the talking and Jason would occasionally answer with one syllable answers and if he was lucky, he'd get three.

"Hey, bedrooms are upstairs. Kayla, will walk you." mom yawned before putting down the glass she had in her hand. "I am having the worst of headaches right now. So, I'll probably see you guys in the morning. Have fun and don't drink too much."

"Yes, mother." I said as she planted a kiss on my cheek then left.

Even without mother,the party went on. Chris and Macy were lovey-dovey all day and night, Owen and Luke were more interested in the video games I had in my room, Jason was probably drinking somewhere around the house...

I can't believe he actually denied knowing me.

He was an awfully quiet person even around his family. Me, Jeffrey and Adam were chilling on the balcony outside my room . They were pretty cool people and my social battery didn't seem to die out when I was with them. As the air got a bit chilly outside, Adam took off his blazer and offered it to me after he'd seen me shiver a couple of times .

"Relax, you wear it. I can get a jacket inside." I chuckled as I got up, "Excuse me for a second." I grabbed the black huge jacket which was always at the top of my closet door. I also needed the bathroom so, I made my way down the passage and the third door to my left was the bathroom. On my way back from the bathroom, I heard a thud coming from down the passage, just beyond the bathroom. I turned back slowly wanting to know what it was.


What in the world is going on?


I heard a voice curse lowly behind the slightly opened guestroom door. I slowly pushed the door open and entered to find Jason standing against the wall behind the door.

"What is happening in here?" I asked as I shut the door and stood in front of him, looking up at his face... He looked all red and blushy due to the liquor in his system. His hair was messy as compared to what it was when he got here... It wasn't even tied anymore, it hung above his shoulders and some strands fell over his face. He tried moving away from the wall but almost fell, "How drunk are you?" I asked sarcastically seeing his current state. I looked to the floor and saw broken vase pieces.

Mom, is definitely going to be a bit mad about this.

"Let's get you on the bed..." I held on to his muscular arms making sure that he wouldn't miss a step and fall. I wasn't doing much of a job there because if he were to fall, I was pretty sure that I'd end up with him on the wooden floor. After he sat on the bed, he took off his blazer aggressively and threw it on the floor. He began undoing his shirt and I got up, "I should leave you to fall asleep."

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