It Was Nothing To The Both Of Us

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Kayla's POV

For my first time getting high... I gave the night a ten over ten. I enjoyed my night with those two. I woke up the following morning and headed downstairs to have breakfast. I took off the jacket that wasn't mine before I went downstairs to avoid a weird encounter with Jason.

"Morning, sister." Macy sang with a massive smile on her face.

"Morning..." I sighed as I took a glass of water.

Macy stood against the counter, "So, you're leaving today?"

I nodded as I gave her a tight smile.

We heard an engine revving outside and saw a black mustang race off in a matter of seconds.

"Jason, must be in a hurry to leave this early. I thought he was at least going to have breakfast." Macy said with a deep sigh.

I nodded before lying saying that I needed to go use bathroom. I shut my bedroom door slowly before standing with my back against it.

Couldn't he at least mention that he was leaving last night?

What was I even thinking? He wasn't obligated to tell me anything.

It was just a kiss.

I told myself... But who was I kidding? I was quick to catch feelings for someone and last night's kiss made my crush on him skyrocket. I packed my bag before getting ready to leave.

"Don't be a stranger, dear daughter." mom said as she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah, don't." Jeffrey agreed as he gave me hug.

"When are you guys leaving anyway?" I asked.

"Uhhm..." Adam hummed, "... Our driver should be here in two hours." he said as he also gave me a hug.

"Bye, Mace..." she tightly held my hand and gave me a small smile before letting go. "... It was nice meeting you, Chris."

"You as well."

I waved goodbye to Owen and Luke before heading out to the car. Leon was already inside waiting to drive me back to my apartment, which was hours away from home.

"Thanks..." I said to Leon as he parked the car outside the building that I lived in. "... And please tell mother to not call today. I need to rest." I got out of the car and headed upstairs. I threw my bag on the floor before tossing my body on the bed. I fell asleep a couple minutes later.

I attended classes for the first time after a whole week... I certainly did miss the place and it's pleasant people... Life was a lot simpler here than the city. I went to work that day, the day after, and every other day but I was curious as to why Jason hadn't came to buy something at the corner store. I took the first sip of my coffee as i prepared myself to watch a movie. I sighed heavily before putting down the coffee mug on my nightstand.

I grabbed my car keys and rushed downstairs. I drove out to the edge of town, to a double story house which was really familiar to me. His black mustang out on the driveway was wrecked and the trunk was halfway opened. I knocked on the front door but as soon as my knuckles met the wooden door, the door swung open.

"Jason?" I closed the door behind myself and when I looked in the kitchen to my left... There were broken pieces of glass on the floor and bloody handprints on the sink and kitchen counter. "Jason..." I said again as I searched for him in the living room, the drawers were emptied out on the floor but the living room seemed less violent as compared to the kitchen.

What happened in here...?

I went upstairs and opened the first door I saw and the one after that... The bathroom, three bedrooms but I still couldn't find him. "Jason!" I screamed on the verge of crying.

Where is he?

I heard a grunt behind the door that I stood by. I quickly opened and looked around but I couldn't find him. "Jason?"
I heard the grunt again but this time even more audibly. I pulled the closet doors open and I found him. His hands tightly gripping a bloody cloth he had pressed against his lower abdomen. He was bleeding like crazy and he looked in pain. For a second I froze there not knowing what to do but I couldn't possibly let my three years of nursing college go to waste.

I knelt next to him and he winced when I tried lifting his arm off the cloth he had,that's when I noticed that he was shot in the arm and torso.

Now, I was panicking... How the hell was I going to help two bullet wounds?

He was bleeding out and I couldn't possibly leave him to die like this.

"Maybe I should call an ambulance..." he quickly shook his head after I suggested that. I rushed back into the bedroom and grabbed the first aid kit that was on his bed and some alcohol on his nightstand. I wasn't sure what I was doing but I had to. I took the pocket knife next to him and tore a piece of my t-shirt. He willing accepted the cloth in his mouth to bite down on when he felt pain.

He had tweezers in his hand and he handed them to me. I poured some liquor on his naked torso and his muffled growls sounded aggressive with his eyes tightly closed. I gently pushed my finger into his wound wanting to feel the bullet before pulling it out. His hand tightly gripped on my leg with every movement that I made on his wound, his hold on my leg was painful but it wasn't as painful as what he was feeling.

After I was done, he had already passed out. I stitched him up but his muscles didn't make the whole thing any easier, I was pretty sure that it would come undone sooner rather than later. I covered him up in bandages. I couldn't take him to the bed because he was way heavy and taller so I took his bed covers and pillow to him.

I washed up, since I was covered in his blood. My thigh was bruised from his tight gripping on it but it was nothing to complain about. I wore a huge black t-shirt from his closet... Everything was awfully organized in his closet, colors and suits and everything else was perfectly put. I soon fell asleep on his bed... I was so tired from being stressed and worrying about him.

I woke up and found him sitting on the edge of the bed, half naked. He was changing his dressing but it seemed like it was hard for him to wrap it all around since it triggered the other wound on his arm.

"Let me..." I said as I took the bandage from him and started wrapping it around his torso carefully making sure to not apply too much pressure on his injury. "What..."

He interjected quickly with a slight wince, "Don't ask..."

"Fine."I whispered ," You should be resting."

He totally ignored what I was saying and tried to get up but instead fell back on the bed and deeply groaned in pain.

" Hey... C'mon, please just rest. I jumped off the bed and went for the first aid kit I had put in the nightstand's last drawer. "Shit, there are no painkillers left."

"It's okay." he grunted pushing his muscular figure further onto the bed.

"It's not... I'll go get them for you. Just try to rest while I'm gone." I said as I went to get the bed cover from where he slept,which was the closet floor and covered him on the bed.

"You know... That night... Didn't mean anything. So, you don't have to fuss this much about me." he said blatantly.

"I know... It didn't mean anything to me either. I just don't want you to die... That's all." I lied right through my teeth. "I'll be right back."

I took the house keys and went out, locking the front door behind myself.

>>next chapter...
I Would...

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