Chapter one: Loving her is red

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I awoke to the smell of sweet cinnamon rolls and fresh coffee. I got scared for a moment but then I heard a soft voice singing softly and I laughed. Karlie always knew how to make my morning. I stepped out of bed and slipped on my slippers, heading into the kitchen. "Good morning Karlie" I said pecking my girl on the cheek. Karlie blushed a scarlet red and set two plates down. I was starving and immediately took a bite.
We ate quickly and went to check our phones, like every morning. "T-Taylor?" I heard a quaking voice from across the room and went to her. "What is it Kar?" As she grabbed my wrist I felt a sharp pain when her nails dug into my tender skin. She dropped her phone on the floor and ran into my small bathroom. I picked up her phone to see what had made her so upset so quickly and there on the screen was a tweet from some random woman "gay girls can't be models" I felt the muscles in my arm tense up and a soft growl escaped my lips. No one. And I mean NO ONE told my girlfriend something like that. She was a wonderful model and her dating me didn't affect that at all. "Karlie?" I whispered knocking on the bathroom door. After she said "come in" I entered and saw the love of my life, sitting on the bathroom floor in a crying hysterical mess. I immediately sat down next to her and wrapped my long arms around her. She kept me there for a minute before pulling me close to her and kissing me passionately. God I loved her so much. "Don't worry Kar" I said softly when we broke the kiss "your the same person you always have been, nothing's changed and true hearted people will see that. Just like I do" Karlie sniffed "but Taylor what if they kick me out? Or I keep getting hate messages?" I could feel my heart break, I knew what it was like to get hate messages from random people targeting my flaws, I knew that I had to be there for my girl in every way I could. We sat talking for a while until Karlie popped "the question" "did you tell your parents or brother about us?" I froze, I hadn't and I was afraid of what my dad and brother might say. My mom has always supported me through everything and I was confident that she would support me here too but I still hadn't told her, out of fear of being shunned from the family. Karlie sensing my fear grabbed my arm. "Don't worry we'll do this together, someday. For now how about we get some coffee?" I nodded and Karlie lifted us both off the ground. After reapplying her makeup we left the house hand in hand.

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