Last Kiss

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*few hours after getting released*

I grabbed my lady's hand from across the dining room table, rubbing my thumb over her hand carefully. "What's up Kar?" her soft scared voice hit me like a freight train, how could I be sitting here about to break her heart right after all that she'd gone through? "Taylor... I've been thinking and.. we need to end this" Taylor looked at me as I let go of her hand and stared at the wall behind her. "W-what?" "I'm sorry Taylor but it's the best thing for you. You have to understand that it's only to keep you safe." Taylor looked at me with a heartbroken expression but it soon turned to anger "My father told you to do this didn't he?!!" I looked back to the love of my life "Yes but I've been thinking about it for a while myself" "Please Kar.. don't leave me" I got up from the table at the same time she did "I have to. You'll understand in time" I whispered as I pulled her into me and kissed her lips softly and gently. She kissed back but it was much more longing then mine, I knew she never wanted it to end. I pulled away then and picked up my bag. I turned to her before I opened the door "It's my fault for what happened to you. I'll never forgive myself and neither it seems will they" I said and walked out of the apartment, leaving Taylor there with a sad and puzzled look.

This love is coming in rough (Kaylor)Where stories live. Discover now