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Alright so I'll be adding Kyotani and Aone into the harem! Thank you @Kokococonut123 for all your comments you're literally making my day!!

I'm like so happy right now😭😩

Also just to let you know, I am NOT creative AT ALL when it comes to naming characters, so in most of my books, the names will most likely be combinations from other animes.😭😭

Continuing on...


Katsuki strutted down the hall, he'd officially been at school for a week and the volleyball team haven't given up yet.

He had constantly been cornered in hallways, with groups of three to four team members begging him to join.

He'd already decided to join the first time the team had tried to talk to him. Now it was just enjoyable.

Also the one he'd learned was Tsukkishima was still a questionable character.

But the tangerine's will and passion to play far overshadowed Tsukkishima's shadiness.

He'd taken an interest in all the players on the team, but most especially Kageyama and Hinata...

For two reasons, one was their obvious passion and love for volleyball, the other...

Well we'll just have to wait and see won't we.

Jolted out of his thoughts by a sudden call, he looked up to see the very people he was thinking about.

"Katsuki! Katsuki! Wait up! We need to talk to you!" Hinata sprinted toward him, panting slightly from the sudden burst of exercise, Kageyama following close behind, both looking excited and happy. "I know you're going to join the team! I just know it! You love volleyball as much as we do! I think you're just playing with us now!"

Hinata looked up at him, seemingly very proud of his discovery. Kageyama said quiet as well, rolling his eyes at the excitable tangerine. "I was the one who told you that dumbass. And I only knew because he told me. Don't go acting all smart and shit now."

"HEY, YO-"

"Alright that's enough," Katsuki started out calmly, he knew it was only a matter of time before either Kageyama or Nishinoya spilled the beans, but he was enjoying the teams begging. Katsuki sighed deeply, before looking at the two first years, his eyes unintentionally intimidating. "You are correct I planned on joining the team since the first time you guys cornered me in the halls, I was however going to wait until just before the training camp to join the practices."

"What about the formes and-"

"Not to worry your little heads," Katsuki said huskily in his naturally deep voice. Kageyama and Hinata were staring dreamily at him with overwhelming blushes. They'd forgotten the way he made them feel. "I've organized everything with Kiyoko already. My formes have been handed in and everything else has been taken care of. I've been an official team member since the vending machine incident happened." Katsuki stated with a smirk.

The two fruit were now blowing fuses, short circuiting and hyperventilating.

The vending machine incident.

Oh how Katsuki loved messing with them.

Katsuki looked at the blushing messes in front of him. He knew the exact moment they'd thought of and was now fully directing his heart-stopping grin, full of mischief at them.

Hinata.exe has stopped working.

Kageyama.exe has stopped working.

And at that moment, the moment when the two fruit were about to keel over and die, their saviours appeared.

"HEY GUYS- what happened to you two? You look like you could explode at any minute?!"

Tanaka and Nishinoya appeared in the hallway, questioning the appearances of the two first years.

"Bro, how you been? We haven't seen you since yesterday?" Tanaka started to talk to Katsuki. "We've been missing our bro! We aren't the three brochaco's without you man!"

"Sorry Ryu, I've been unpacking all my shit, I just moved you know," Katsuki said with a small smile. He had gotten closer to the two other second years, he was now part of their trio, and although it seemed as though their personalities wouldn't mesh, Tanaka and Nishinoya worshiped and respected him on a spiritual level. They were hardcore ride or dies for the young man they had meet not even a week before. "We're also in different classes, maybe get a brain  and move up to class 2.5 before complaining about how we don't see each other."

Tanaka and Nishinoya were still looking at him expectantly, only showing slight offended expressions.

"-and I missed you too bros.."

"YEAH- we know you did! We're awesome-"

"We're some next level shit man! And you have the honour of being apart of this my dude!"

While all of this was happening Kageyama and Hinata had recovered slightly, light blushes still decorating their cheeks. They were now watching the second years converse with awe0- and not a small amount of jealously- at how close the three seemed. Katsuki was showing more sass and personality than they'd ever seen before.

"-and that's when Noya-bro got stuck in the fish tank. So you see, the trombone couldn't have been avoided! But the good news is that after Noya-bro escaped the fish, we jumped out the window-"

"You jumped out a window on the second floor..."

"Yeah, keep up, god Katsuki. Anyway, so we jumped right and the craziest thing happened! I-"

"Yeah ok, I'm gonna stop you right there, as we are still in the presence of innocent first years." Katsuki sighed, with a small laugh floating in the air, gracing the ears of the four simps in his presence. All forgetting about the ridiculous story and looking at him in awe and- from two- a little bit of lust. "Alright Hinata, Kageyama. I am on the team and I will start coming to practices starting after school, so not to worry. I've dragged this out as long as I could, you guys should head back to the first years hall, the bell will ring soon."

"Ok Katsuki," They both sighed with regret, they wanted to hear Katsuki's laugh again. Scratch that! They just wanted to hear him talk in the deep, husky, melodious voice. Simps. "I guess we'll see you at practice! Oh this is so exciting! We get to finally play with you-"

"I've already gotten to play with him dumbass" Kageyama said smugly to the tangerine.

"Watch it Kageyama! I'm gonna be on his team and beat your ass!"


"Alright calm down and get going," Katsuki said approaching them slowly, before leaning down, hovering over their ears and whispering, "or do you want to get punished?"

His voice lowered an octave, the already deep voice, now threatening to give both boys a heart attack. Blushing furiously they both rushed off to their class, stumbling slightly in their dazes.

Katsuki smirked, full of mischief and devilish intent, before turning around to look at the two second years, who were now looking at him questioningly.

"We should get to class too, you dipshits. No need for you to get any stupider by missing class" He said in a way that made the other two jokingly protest.



"Still you two"



Hi! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. Things are starting to get spicy 🌶

Also do you guys wanna know about the vending machine incident?😏

Anyways vote and comment, you won't do it 😏

No balls. 😃

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