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Tendou was...

Well Tendou didn't know what to feel at this particular moment.

Confusion, awe, anger, jealously, the list could go on.

He had known Ushijima for his whole high school career. He was his first friend. The first person to look at him as a human being and not a monster.

He also happened to be one of the most blockheaded people Satori knew.

He wasn't very discreet and he sucked at keeping secrets, especially from Tendou as he prided himself on his ability to observe and counter his opponents.

So seeing his usually stoic, bland friend sitting on the lap of the man everyone had a crush on and making out, he was speechless.




"Shhh" Ushijima stared Tendou down. His friend was being too loud at the moment.

Tendou's first reaction was to scream at the top of his lungs. Wasn't Katsuki dating Akaashi? What was that whole thing in the cafeteria? And how the fuck did his best friend, Ushy Gushy himself, get to that hunk of a man before him?!

Tendou was in pain.

Physical pain.

Katsuki had pulled away from Ushijima and thrown his shoe at Tendou's head.

"Bro," Katsuki pulled himself away from , staring at Tendou blankly. He had started seeing Wakatoshi at the request of Akaashi, him saying 'if you're going to be dating others I'd like to have some say in it', which Katsuki was obviously in agreement with. He had never planned on dating Akaashi then just randomly being like, 'hey I have another boyfriend..' , he just hadn't known Akaashi would actively try to set him up with others. "It's kind of creepy when you just stand there watching two people kiss."

First kill.

An arrow with the word 'creepy' shot through Tendou's chest.

"It makes you look like a perv."

Player down. Instant kill.

Tendou was dead.

Being called creepy and a perv by the crush that just so happened to be making out with his best friend?

Not how he had wanted to go about his day.

Katsuki got up from the lounge couch and headed towards Tendou, who was still on the floor after the slaughter.

"Get up."


"Get up."


"Get up."


Tendou was crawling to his knees when a hand appeared above his face.

Smiling softly, he took it and was pulled to his feet.

Standing quietly, both teens took a moment just staring into each other's eyes. Sifting through the others emotions and hiding thoughts, the two ridiculously intuitive, observant people just reading each other like books.

It was comforting to know that someone knew their emotions, the feelings they try to desperately to push to the side, the dark painful ones that are locked away in the back of the mind. It was an unbelievable feeling, to know such depths about someone without having to say a word.

They had meet not too long ago. Both unintentionally gravitating towards each other like they could sense the unchecked trauma from the other.

Both had relatively dark pasts, and they found comfort in the knowledge that there was someone like them in the world.

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