It was the end of the first day of training camp.

The whole day consisted of Karasuno losing. Badly.

Obviously Katsuki wasn't playing, he wanted them to be able to stand on their own so that people couldn't say he carried the team. He was however coaching, and he was pretty damn good at it too.

He would have been even better if the freak duo actually paid attention to what he was saying and didn't just stand there appreciating the view.

And let them tell you, it was a good view.

Katsuki was in a tight black tee shirt and grey sweats that hung low on his hips. He was planning on doing his own training in the evening, so he wasn't wearing practice clothes. He had also washed his hair that morning, so his damp black hair hung just slightly over his eyes, causing him to push his hand through his hand every couple minutes.

That wasn't helping anyone.

Let's just say he was a big distraction to the teams in the gym. He was used to the stares, so that didn't bother him. It was the constantly being checked out that it did for him. Especially considering his past experiences he didn't want to be looked at like that.

It was making him antsy. And maybe a little bit anxious. Just a bit though.

It was 7pm and the boys were just finishing their extra practice, he was ready to begin his training regiment.

First, while waiting for the people in the gym to leave he went on a quick two mile run, well more like a sprint, getting back he heads to the empty gym getting the net and all that set up again, taking out the extra equipment he knew Ukai asked the school permission for Katsuki to use.

He stretched for a couple minutes, warming up his arms and shoulders before starting his routine. Serves, sets, hits, he would toss to himself and try to hit over a stand block set up on the otherside, then practice digging the ball back to himself after hitting it on different parts of a yoga ball that was propped up on a stand.

He tossed the ball in the air, flying up to meet it.

This was the feeling he missed, the rush of hitting the ball. The sting in his balm after a hard hit.

This is what kept him sain. This is what made him forget about the stares he was so uncomfortable with that day, and even for a short time, it made him forget his past.

He served for a good 15 minutes, the only sound in the gym was the bouncing balls and smash of his contact on the ball.

It was his safe space. He could be himself, get out all his anger and frustrations, taking it all out on the ball.

He was working on setting when he was first interrupted. Most people didn't know him, as they focused mostly on Japanese volleyball, so imagine Atsumu's shock when he found the supposed new player, that haven't played all day, making the best sets he'd seen in his life.

Atsumu wasn't one to say other people were better than him. He would rather die. But even on some level he had to admit that this was next level shit.

He stood in the entrance of the gym for what seemed like hours. He watched the gorgeous guy in front of him move from setting to hitting, the ball smashing to the floor jolting him out of his daze.

He sensed an opportunity. He was already half in love with the man playing volleyball and he wanted to get to know him a little more.

"Oi! 'saw y'a practicin' earlier and was wondering if y'a wanted me ta set for y'a..." Atsumu was nervous. He didn't have a lot of experience with this feeling, he would have usually just walked up to him and demanded he play, but this person made him feel uncertain, small even. "I- it's just that y'a looked like y'a could use a setter.

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