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I'm so sorry for this chapter it's pure crack.


My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they're like it's better than yours and they're like it's bet-

Smashed his alarm clock on his bedside table, breaking it into pieces.

"What the fuck Katsuki?! That's your third alarm clock since you've been home!"

"I'd say I'm sorry... but I wouldn't fucking mean i-" A rolled up newspaper suddenly smashed against the back of his head. Granting loudly, Katsuki turned to face the wrath of his mother. "That's NOT how you fucking speak to your mother! I pushed you out my fucking ass and this is what you give me?!"

"Well I fucking never asked to be born!"

"Shut the fuck up and stop swearing! There's a fucking four year old in this house!!"


Katsuki's dad, who had just entered the room, was now staring blankly at her, as was Katsuki.

"Alright I'm just gonna speed past that- ok Katsuki its time to get up! You've got a training camp today!" His dad smiled at him. Katsuki had known as soon as his alarm clock had got off that today was the start of the training camp. He didn't want to go. Well it's not so much that he didn't want to go, but he didn't want to go.

He loved volleyball don't get him wrong, but he also loved sleeping and watching anime. Which he can't really do at training camp.

Fuck. This was gonna suck.

And to make matters worse, Karasuno didn't have a meme squad. He'd left Brazil, with all his memer friends, and journeyed to a meme-less school!

But he knew he'd have to find his people at some point, and Tanaka and Nishinoya were entertaing in their own way as well, even if they didn't know memes.


Oh that reminded him, he'd have to text Raphael back.

Raphael was his best friend in Brazil, he also happened to be the libero for his team. And while they had been keeping in touch, Katsuki was not sending the appropriate amount of meme to him on Instagram.


Katsuki had at some point gained the courage to leave the warmth of his bed and started getting ready for the bus. Four in the fucking morning was too early for this shit.

Eating breakfast he was rushing as he was already going to be late. With incredible speed Katsuki inhaled his food and gathered his bags and shit, before sprinting out the door running for his life.

Why you may ask?

Well he had developed a rather odd relationship with Karasuno's coach. And by odd I mean they would just continually insult each other, but in a friendly way, you know? Ukai was like the older brother he never had. It was pretty fucking cool if you asked him, but that also meant that he wouldn't hesitate to rain hell fire on his ass for being late.

"I'm here, old man" Katsuki said panting slightly from the 3km run, but wearing a smug grin.

"And you made it just in time too you little piece of shit" Ukai smirked at him before hitting him with a rolled up magazine that Katsuki was positive he had carried around just to hit him with. "Anyways we'd better get going, it's a 6 hour drive to Tokyo, and there are gonna be some powerhouse teams showing up." (I don't fucking know how long the drive is I'm sorry)

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