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Just a heads up, there's probably gonna be one-on-one scenes first so that Katsuki gets to know his harem, then I'm gonna be giving y'all some interesting stuff😏

Anyways enjoy!

It had been about a week  since training camp began. Katsuki had been slowly getting to know the teams, noting certain people of interest along the way. Everyone was adapting to the schedule and things were going smoothly.

Well for everyone except Katsuki.

He didn't get a moment of peace since he stepped off the bus, it was the constant flow of people trying to talk to him that was getting to him. He was an introvert. He didn't need that shit in his life. And yet random people trying to talk to him and start conversations were becoming increasingly more normal.

It's like, no❤️.

Just stop.

We dont want to talk to your sweaty ass so move along sweetheart.

"-and that's what I've been telling you! They're evil reincarnated! They live off fear and death! On the other hand ducks-"

Katsuki had been trying to escaped a conversation why ducks are superior to geese for the past ten minutes, when he had an epiphany.

He didn't have to deal with this absolute bullshit.

So he walked away, leaving the talking coach Ukai standing with his mouth hanging open mid-sentence.


The satisfaction he felt in that moment.

It almost made up for his crippling depression and anxiety....
Yeah no.

As Katsuki walked away, he sensed someone about to turn the corner in front of him. Katsuki being Katsuki shrugged it off and just thought, 'it is what it is' before continuing around the corner, inevitably bumping into the person, and him being the giant he was, the other boy was knocked down.

"Oh, so sorry," Katsuki looked down to see one of the people who'd been watching him sing on the first morning at camp.

'What an opportunity,' he thought hiding his mischievous smirk.

"I was lost in thought and I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I hope you aren't injured" He finished off with a gentle smile, causing said boy to erupt internally, externally the tips of his ears only turned red.

"Im quite alright, I wasn't paying attention to were I was going as well, please forgive me"

Katsuki wasn't going to let this chance slip by, he knew the people who had a crush on him, he'd developed that sense to avoid and escape certain situations, so he was pretty confident.

He held his hand out to the boy, who took it gratefully. He proceeded to gently tug him up 'accidentally' pulling him into his body, casually putting his other arm around then dark-haired boy's thin waist.

Akaashi was not doing well.

Not at all.

He had just escaped Bokuto and his incessant screaming, becoming almost unbearable now that Kuroo was also with him. He was speeding down the hall ready to take a shower and call it a day when he'd bumped into Katsuki.

The casual touches and smiles were going to be the end of him.

Katsuki was very much amused. Akaashi was doing very well not to show how affected he was, but what gave him away was the slightly glazed eyes and increased heartbeat.

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