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So this is a long ass chapter, it also may be triggering to certain people, so please be careful.



Karasuno had arrived.

Finally after the 6 hour drive, and of course, they just had to be the last team there.

And Katsuki was still sleeping.

He was dead tired in the back of the bus, everyone had already exited the bus, kind of maybe forgetting about the tall boy.

"Ah, the main characters have finally arrived" Kuroo said with an annoyed smirk. "And late as usual."

"We apologize, but we had to organize our new member," Daichi said with an equally annoyed grin, "He was definitely a distraction, not that he meant to be."

At that moment Katsuki chose to wake up and he began walking lazily to the entrance of the bus. He paused at the top of the bus' steps, and yawned while running a hand through his hair, opening his piercing eyes sluggishly.

The surrounding teams now understood what Daichi meant by distraction.

Katsuki looked at the assembled teams in front of him, his eyes catching on certain people, but for a different reason his eyes locked on two individuals. His senses were tingling.

They were also looking back at him with narrowed eyes. Slowly approaching each other, they met halfway, all other people watching with confusion.

Slowly Katsuki locked eyes with the pink haired guy on the left. "I saw you hanging out with Kaitlyn yesterday."

He responded immediately, grinning,"Rebecca its not what you think!!"

The guy with the thick eyebrows on the right then added, "I won't hesitate bitch."

All of them then making a gun figure with their hands saying "pew".

They grinned wildly at each other, everyone around them looking at these events with confusion, and maybe slight jealousy.

"Dude what the fawk?!"

" This is your area."

"She cant do that to you"

They kept on smiling.

"And they were roommates" Katsuki was going to die. He had found his people.

"oh my god they were roommates"

They all stopped. And promptly burst out laughing. They were just there, in the middle of the parking lot, casually dying while everyone else just stared at them.

"My name's Tomura Katsuki, but you can call me Katsuki." He was unbelievably happy, this training camp wasn't going to be all that bad.

"I'm Matsukawa Issei you can call me Issei, and this is Hanamaki Takahiro-"

"You can call me Takahiro though,"

The teams were at the height of their collective confusion. Somehow after just meeting, then shouting random lines that made no sense to anyone else, they were now on first name basis. Let's just say a couple people were not amused.

Katsuki finally started paying attention to his surroundings, he looked back to all the players, his eyes catching again on the same couple people, before he walked back to his team and started talking.

"So are we just gonna stand here and stare at me, I mean I know I'm hot as fuck, but still." That brought everyone back into motion. Kuroo, who had been staring at Katsuki in shock and awe, was jolted out of his daze. "Alright Karasuno, your dorms are gonna be on the 3rd floor, right beside Aoba Johsai."

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