~~Chapter 4~~

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[Tonmy POV]

I felt so bad bringing Wilbur into this, this isn't his fight, this isn't his problem. He shouldn't have to deal with a breaking down child.
All I know is that he is on his way and I don't have to long. I run to my closest and grab anything I can, stuffing it into a suitcase.

Grab necessities only, grab necessities only.

I look at my PC and Monitors, knowing full well I have to leave them. I open my PC and tab into discord and open the recording chat.

TommyInnit: I can't show up to the recording today, sorry.

I realize that sounds nothing like how ecstatic I am but I just ignore it.
They wouldn't care anyways.

I grab some food and stuff it down the suitcase, just trying to fit everything and anything. I have a shit ton of clothes pilled in my suitcase and I can't fit much more.
I shouldn't bring to much, he will leave me anyways.

I put on a normal white and red tee-shirt and some blue jeans. All I can do is wait but I have this nagging feeling in the back of my head I'm forgetting something.

Phone, grab your phone.

I yank my changer out of the wall, breaking the outlet and pull the cord out of the phone and put both items in my jeans pockets.
I sit in my chair looking at what could be the last time I look at my room.
I'll see this room again, he'll leave me.

I continue to look for shit to put in my bag. I look back at my monitor and look at the time.
3 hours have passed

I continue to look around. I can't thinking about Tubbo. My mind stays on Tubbo until I hear a loud noise at my bedroom door.

[Wilbur POV]

As I continue to drive north, I can't stop thinking.

Is Tommy ok?
Is there something he didn't tell me?

I try to keep my mind off of those thoughts, so I start singing my new song.

3 hours have passed. I am in Tommy's neighborhood, ready to pick him up. I keep trying to remember which house is his. I keep driving down until I see it, but it looks different.... A lot different. Most of the windows are shattered, most of the lights are off, and the front door is wide open. I start to panic

Was Tommy robbed?!
Are his parents dead?!

I stare at the house from my car for a minute, then I decide to get out and get Tommy, make sure he is safe. As I walk up to his house, the drenching smell of alcohol fills the air, I feel like I'm going to throw up, As I have drank alcohol only a few times but it worried me as it was in Tommy's house. As I get closer to the front door, I hear rummaging from upstairs.

I mutter under my voice. I run back to my car and grab a pocket knife and approach the house again. I stand outside, trying to build up courage to go in. I finnaly get the strength to do it. I walk inside and creep upstairs. I don't want to yell or be loud in case of an intruder, I don't want to die today. As I get upstairs, I see one door closed, I know that's the room. I slowly walk up and thrust the door open.

To my surprise, I saw Tommy, standing in the middle of his room. He quickly turned around and looked at me in shock.

"Wilbur!" He yells
He sounds so scared but he's obviously trying to act happy and try to avoid anything.

I stay silent. I slowly put away my pocket knife.

"Tommy... what happened"

He stays silent, something obviously happened and he doesn't want to talk about it.
He sits down on his bed and just looks down.

"I can't... even try to explain."

I feel so bad for him, the ecstatic happy kid changed into this...
What happened?

"Please...? Try, I want to help you"

I can barley get those words out of my mouth.
I have so many questions, where are his parents, who drank the alcohol, why is he like this, who hurt the Tommy I knew and loved like a brother"


"Do you want to go to my place?"

Silence. He feels guilty, he feels like he's disturbing me.

"I'm  just going to hurt yo-"

"No, you won't. Please Tommy, please"

I can tell that he's scared. Does he trust me? I hope so, I'm not the best with empathy but I'm trying to help him.


Finally. I'm just hoping he can talk to me about it eventually, but I don't want to force it out of him.
He grabs his suitcase and we walk outside to my car. He seems so pale and weak. He can barley hold the suitcase...

"Let me carry that for you"

I hear him mutter "Thanks..." under his breath. If his parents are gone for a while and the house is like the this, what happened?
We bring the suitcase out to the car and put it in the trunk.

"You ok?"

I want to try to cheer him up, but I can't unless I know what happened. Well I probably can but... I don't know...

"Not really"

"Whatever happened here, just remember I'm here when you need me"

That seemed to put a small smile on his face. Even if it's anything I'm glad I can be here for him.

All that's left now is a trip down the Isle.

Thank you for reading the fourth part of this story. It feels good getting to Wright this for y'all. Thanks for everyone who has read this
-Nachowos.    2/23/2021
981 words

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