Background Check

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Declan's POV

What the hell could that mean? She is an interesting one. Mystery surrounds her, you can tell by just a few conversations that she doesn't like to divulge too much information on herself. Does she not realize that usually makes people all the more curious?

She is secretive. I don't like secrets. In my line of business secrets leads to problems. I already have enough secrets that I can't afford hers. Secrets will cause me problems and I can't have hers hanging over my head. No one likes that way I have to deal with my problems. I may find her attractive, but that doesn't give her a free pass. Too much is on the line for me to just look past her evasiveness. I have to know the truth in order to keep my family safe.

This just requires me to do what I do for every new member that we have and for all the new employees here as well. They give us a small background check when hiring someone new, but we require something a little bit more. There is just something about her that I can't put my finger on, she's hiding something, it's obvious. I just can't risk letting it go.

We do a full background check on everyone. I want to know everything about them. Not just what street they grew up on. I want to know their parents, who they are close to, hell even the name of their first pet growing up. Nothing is too much and nothing can be seen as not useful.

Standing up from the barstool, I make my way to the back hall that leads up to my office. Getting the elevator, I feel my phone buzzing and look to see my cousin's name appear.


"Well hello to you too dumbass." He cheerfully replies.

"What do you need?" Making my way out of the elevator and towards my office.

I sat in my office talking with him about business for an hour or so. Liam, who is a cousin on my mother's side, just happens to be next in line for the Italian Mafia. I am a couple years senior to him, but he still has a while before his father is going to be ready to step down and hand the position to him.

Liam is impatient to start running the business on his own which is precisely why he must wait. Being too eager will get you killed as well as those who follow you. He still has a lot to learn, but he is ruthless, not as much as me, but that's honestly probably for the best.

Our call was interrupted as another came through. Saying a quick goodbye I accepted the new one. "Ciao Mama."

The sound of her running around the kitchen runs through the speakers and a smile makes its way to my lips. I miss my mom's home cooked meals like nothing else in this world. It's what I miss most from home and what I look forward to the most when I travel back home.

"Ciao piccola come stai oggi?"

"I am fine, but I'm very busy." Bringing my hands slid down my face. I can feel the exhaustion kicking in.

"I understand. I am simply calling for one question and then you may get back to your ever so important work." I sigh knowing what is coming. "Have you met anyone?"

"We have talked about this."

"I know we have. But I am just simply curious. A good girl would do you good."

"How about this," I turn around in my chair and look at the crowded restaurant below me. "When I meet someone I think is worth noting, you will be the first to find out"

"Now that is all I ask. Goodbye baby." She then sends a kiss through the phone and hangs up.

Before I could get back to any of my work, my door flew open and Luke came in.

"Just the man I wanted to see actually."

Taking a seat across from the desk Luke relaxes. "How can I be of service?"

"Riley James."

Luke raises his eyebrows at me knowing what is about to come next. Without me even having to say anything, he stands from the chair and turns to leave.

"And Luke-" He turns around to face me. "If you come in without knocking again, I won't hesitate to shoot you in the foot.

A smirk places itself on his face as he keeps walking out the door.

The next few hours come with very little work actually being done. More thoughts are swarming in my head about the very bewildering woman that stands a couple floors below me. Her being a constant distraction isn't going to bode very well for me. I already get enough shit from my father that I don't need more things to add to the list of what he can yell at me about.

I don't know how much more time passes before a sharp and loud knock makes me aware of someone at my door. Not a moment later, Luke enters my office with a manilla envelope in his hand. I can't read his emotionless expression as he sits down across from me.

He is clearly anxious about whatever contents are held in that envelope as his knee shakes forcefully. Leaning forward I place my forearms at the edge of the table and wait for him to continue.

Taking a deep breath he begins, "Riley James." He takes out the papers. "Born and raised in a small town in Ohio. She was 21 years old when she moved here just a few weeks ago and is now 22. Reason for moving her is undetermined. She grew up with both parents, Edgar and Charlotte and her younger brother Joseph, but he died a few years ago. It looks like she has been working since the time she was legally allowed to. She graduated with average grades, but missed a lot of school which caused her to fall behind a little. Looks like she has been friends with Delilah Lewis since childhood, but lost contact when Delilah moved to New York when she was 14, Riley was 13. They lost contact for a while, but reconnected just a few days before Riley moved here."

"How did her brother die?"

"Not sure. It says he died of medical complications, but no autopsy was ever done." Luke shifts uneasily and I can tell this is making him wary as well. I wouldn't normally ask him to do this type of background check for someone who is just an employee at one of the businesses.

"What do you know about the parents?" Something isn't adding up.

"Edgar James is a 55 years old retired police officer. He was born in Ohio and has never lived anywhere else. It doesn't look like he is working now. The mom is a whole other story. Charlotte James, 48 years old, originally Romano, was born in Turin, Italy. She was 24 when she moved to Ohio with Edgar and 26 when she had Riley and 29 when she had Joseph. Looks like she never worked in the states, but it's weird."


"It's like she disappeared."

"What do you mean disappeared?" Nothing is adding up.

"The last activity that I can trace her to was seven years ago. She left and nothing since then has been put under her name or social. No credit card receipts, no rent or payments have been made from her. There is no death certificate either. It's...strange."

I wave my hand dismissing Luke. I stand up and make my way to the window, peering down at the bar below me. What's your story Riley?

 What's your story Riley?

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Hello lovelies I hope this chapter was okay, I know it was a little short! 

I have a pharm exam coming up that I have been studying my ass off for so I have been slacking in the writing department. I hope you all understand!

What an interesting origin story for Riley.......

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