Mark Left Behind

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Declan POV

I fucked up, badly. I knew something awful must have happened to this poor girl, but this is not what I imagined when I was talking with her downstairs. How could I?

There is no excuse for what I have said to this poor girl. Not only did I push her to tell me something deeply personally, but I made her share in a way that wasn't her own. She wasn't ready to tell me, that much is blatantly obvious, but my stupid, fucked up brain couldn't tell that as I spoke from a place of frsutration and anger.

Riley deserves to tell that story on her own in her own time. I didn't mean to make her relive that memory that she shared. I am a complete and utter ass.

Feeling eyes on me, I try not to convey any emotion on my face. It's what I have been trained to do, but I find it harder to do than I should. Bringing my gaze to her friend, Daisy. No, that's not right. I know it starts with a D, I think.

For fear of saying the wrong name, I chose to avoid that part all together. Looking straight in her eyes, I see fear showing through them as I hold her gaze. "Did you know?"

Her movements hesitate as tears pool in the bottom of her eyes. "Did you?" I question once more as my stern voice involuntarily kicks in with the repeated question. I don't like to repeat myself and I don't like hesitation.

She seems to return to the present as her head violently shakes from side to side. Making a motion to step forward and go after Riley, I hold my hand out to her to stop. She looks confused and concerned as she once again goes to move. "She is my friend." The break in her voice gives away all her emotions as she tries to stand tall against me, but it doesn't work as her terror is apparent.

"Stay. I'll go." Surprise fills her friend's face as well as the three others that all stand there, shocked. Making eye contact with my sister on the way out. She nods her head to me and turns to Riley's friend to provide comfort.

Making my way out the door I hastfully arrive at the back door and exit out into the back alley that holds my car. My security steps up to the car behind mine ready to follow me, but one stern look from me, causes them to step back into their spots and divert their stare from me.

My first stop was her apartment, but when no sound or light could be seen from outside, I may have used a lockpick to make sure she wasn't in there. After a thorough search of her apartment I knew she must have gone somewhere else. Bell texted me and said she wasn't at Delilah's apartment either.

Where else was I supposed to look? I don't know this girl well enough to know where else she goes. Does she have any more friends besides Delilah? From her behavior at work it really doesn't seem like it.

In the short time that I have known this girl I have done more for her than I have for anyone else I know. She occupies my thoughts that are normally more focused on work and my businesses. I have done an excellent job at getting my shit done and doing everything that is asked and expected of me.

But Riley changes the game in some ways. This girl makes me want more from this life than what I have. She has only been here for weeks, but I can't imagine tomorrow without her. Shaking my head I try to rid myself of these petulant thoughts.

I sigh in defeat as I stand outside of her apartment. I have no more ideas, these are the two places I have only ever seen her at besides work. Trying to think of something I take a look around me, taking in my surroundings.

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