Unexpected Caller

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Last night was eventful to say the least. After a lot of light being shed on both of our pasts, Declan absolutely insisted on taking me home. I didn't end up with much say in the matter, but also I didn't really mind.

We didn't really talk much, but we didn't have to. I was still a little high off the conversation in his office and also the alcohol that I used as liquid courage to tell my story to him. I reveal a lot and also divulged a little too much of the thoughts that I have been having about Declan.

My now awake sober self is now continuously going over the conversation we had last night.

"I like you Declan, but I know that I shouldn't."

I mean who says that? Drunk me apparently. I am living to regret that now. Things are moving too fast and I can't get attached to him like that. It will only end up with me hurt in the end.

I don't really have too much time to dwell on the events of last night, considering I work this morning. It should be an uneventful morning considering no one's gonna want to drink this early so I will probably end up having to serve. Keeping that fact in mind I start getting ready for the day.

Fortunately I was able to have a moment of peace this morning when I woke up, Declan was nowhere to be found and I couldn't have been anymore grateful for this. I was anxious to avoid that awkward day after talk, when I spilled my feelings for the man who shows none of his.

I found myself being more grateful than angry that he wasn't there, but I know that it will just be prolonging the inevitable. At some point we are gonna have to address the elephant in the room about what I said and what it means for us. I mean he did say that he doesn't wanna be in a relationship, which is fine, but then what are we doing?

This conversation is way too much of an effort to have at this time. My brain can't take much more of this serious talk today, I haven't even had breakfast yet.

Moving on from my invading thoughts, I get ready for the day and head off to work. I am the only one at the bar for breakfast today so I get to enjoy some moments of solitary peace before I start serving mimosas and bloody mary's for the next several hours.

As i am filling up the ice behind the bar, I see a full head of gorgeous red bouncy curls heading my way.

"Hey stranger." She says as she stops at the bar.

"Morning girlie." I say back to her while keeping my attention on what I am doing.

"So what are you doing? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

"I know D, I'm sorry I have just been a little...preoccupied."

Delilah's attention strays to her hands as she plays with them on top of the bartop. "We never got to talk about what happened in the boss's office."

Guilt washes over me at the realization. This poor girl. All she wants is to be there for me and I have completely closed her off to my life. I didn't tell her what happened with my brother and she had to find out in the worst possible way.

Reaching across the counter I rest my hands on top of her own, halting her fidgeting. "I am sorry you had to find out like that. It was never my intention to make you feel left out or like I didn't want to tell you."

That was never the case at all, but I can see how hurt D looks. She never got to be there for me when it happened and based on her reaction when she found out, she had absolutely no idea about the severity of my brother's passing.

Delilah has been there for me when no one else has. Even when we were separated and hadn't seen each other in almost a decade she didn't hesitate at all when I contacted her a few months ago asking for help. She told me she was always here even if I couldn't see her.

Clearing her throat out she shakes her head and starts on something else. "Well from the looks of it, you and boss man have been getting pretty cozy while I have been away."

I can feel the heat and redness take over my face. Casting my view downwards I try my best to hide it. "We get along."

"Is that all you're doing?"

"Not exactly." I confess.

Delilah squeals out gaining some unwanted attention."You dirty girl." Taking a rag from the counter top she reaches over and smacks me with it.

Yelling back at her, I take the rag back from her and throw it to where she can't reach it. We are both giggling like school girls. My stomach hurts from laughing too hard. Glancing around the restaurant I see some unwanted looks from the other workers here and a few tables that are sitting nearby. My attention is drawn to the back corner booth and my eyes connect with a familiar pair. His stare pierces me as his face holds a slight smirk, likely for the antics Delilah has gotten us into. Reluctantly I tear my gaze away from his and look to D.

Although it seems she was already looking back towards Declan. She gives me a knowing look and I let my smile drop. "Oh baby." I just shrug at her and look away. "How serious?"

Twirling the bracelet that is stuck to my wrist I respond. "Not serious enough to change my mind about leaving."

Delilah lets out a big sigh, "You sure about that." Silence fills the air as I chose not to respond. I have nothing to say. Honestly I have no answer for my friend. I can't let this get out of hand. "You've been through a lot, you deserve some happiness." She grabs my hand across the bar. "For however long it may be. If I were in your position I would honestly be a crying mess all the time."

Letting out a forced chuckle, I shake my head. "Lets be honest here, I am a hot fucking mess. No question about that, but I learned a long time ago that the only one to save me, is me. Crying just made me feel weak and if there is one thing I don't want to be, it's weak."

Nodding her head she responds. "Just know that there are people here for you. We want to help you, you just have to let us."

"I know, now get back to work. There is a fine looking man who just got sat in your section and he needs to know about the Delilah special."

Laughing D walks away from me, swaying her hips as she goes up to her table. I chuckle to myself at her antics, walking over to the computer I look at the drinks that have been ordered so far. What do we have here, three mimosas? Who would have guessed?

"So you like me?" The deep voice stops my movements as I take a deep breath. It's too early for this.

"You know I have no idea what I was talking about. Drunk me says some outrageous things."

"They say drunk words are sober thoughts." This makes me turn around and face the gorgeous man in front of me. Putting one hand on my hip, I retaliate.

"Who ever said that is as dumb as a box of rocks and doesn't know what they are talking about."

A small laugh leaves his soft lips and my face can't help but smile at the sound. My response is cut off by a ringing in my pocket. Without looking, I take my phone out of my pocket anf answer the phone. Holding it to my ear I stick my tongue out at Declan before answering. "Hello."

The voice on the other side left me with chills running straight to my core.

The voice on the other side left me with chills running straight to my core

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Sorry I haven't been posting, but I just moved and class is starting next week, so I have been busy, but I hope to be posting more soon!

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