How about coffee

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My dread for waking up today and having to go to work is overwhelming. After my panic attack on Saturday I have had several days to recover and try to forget the events of that night.

Delilah has been my rock through all of it as she sat with me on the floor for hours calming me down and just being there for me. Since then she has called me off of work for the past couple days and comes to check on me everyday. Even throughout her shifts she manages to text me to make sure I am alright. I couldn't ask for a better friend than her.

Bell has been very lenient in giving me the last three days off and has been respectful in not pushing the subject anymore than needed. All she knows is that I have had some personal problems to deal with.

It has been a blessing to have these last few nights off as I sit in my apartment and watch a mind numbing amount of television, but hopefully that will be fixed today as I return to work.

As much as I don't want to see him, who shall not be named, I miss work. I like staying busy and having four days off to myself is jarring. I feel like I am wasting time even though I have no plans. It is a weird feeling and not one I wish to be used to.

The sex has been on mind mind a lot since that night. Was it good sex? Yeah it was, but it is not something that I plan on happening again. Don't get me wrong, I like Declan. A lot actually, but my life, my past isn't something that I plan on dragging other people into.

So as I get up for the day and start to get ready, I think of a plan on how to break it to him nicely. He is a good guy, despite some of the things he has done and said in the past he is good and caring and I hate to be the one to end whatever it is that we are, but I know I must.

After I finish getting ready for the day I make my way to the kitchen to start up some breakfast, but I am stopped when I hear knocking at my door.

My heart rate increases as I know that it isn't Delilah, she always texts beforehand. Slowly making my way to the door, I peep through the hole and see him standing there.

Backing up I allow some room as I pull the door all the way open. I don't speak as I take in his appearance.

"Aren't you gonna invite me in?" he smirks.

"I don't have anything to say to you."

Taking a step forward and pushing me back into my apartment, he stops right in front of me. "You've been avoiding me."

Craning my neck up I reply. "No I have not." I say in protest.

"Calling off of work for the past three days qualifies as ignoring me, love." He jests as he brings a hand up to move a piece of hair from my face.

Shivering from his gentle touch, I back away from him slightly. I am too close to him and when I am too close I can't seem to think.

"Get coffee with me."

It wasn't a question, it was a command. I had no say in the matter and he knows I know that. He wouldn't take no as an answer and I honestly didn't want to. Just minutes with him and he has me wrapped around his finger.

Taking a deep sigh I glance towards him. His face is reserved and I can't tell what he is thinking, as usual. He raises his eyebrows almost to test me.

I quirk one eyebrow back as a smile forms on his face. Biting his bottom lip he looks me up and down. Heat surrounds my body at his sight, we are both waiting for someone to fold.

"I don't think I would care for some coffee right now." I shrug and turn around heading to the countertop.

Moments of silence go by before he speaks. "I don't care." He speaks soulfully into my ear. My head involuntarily leans back at the sound of his deep sinful voice and the breath that fanned across the back of my neck.

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